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Hi gang

bonzo and the bov's picture
Submitted by bonzo and the bov on Sat, 07/02/2015 - 17:20

Like a bad itch from a Bangkok brothel I'm back..

blackpool hammer's picture

Thanks for letting me know, had to change a few things to get back in but hey ho .

243 users have voted.

Its great that the site is back up & running again.Id just like to say welcome back to all you fine orgers out there.Well done & thanks to nev,All it needs now is peanuts tanner a bag & antkb to start posting again,& darren to give us one of his physio room tales & then we will truly know we are back!Come On You Irons...

238 users have voted.

Hi guys, I have also found my way back, after trying to follow the games over on WHTID. Everyone is so polite over there I thought I had died and gone to a public library. You can't beat the ORG for a bit of anarchy and mayhem and people telling it like it is. Anyway it's great to be back and let's cap it with a win today. COYI

216 users have voted.

Thats what i like about the site most people tell it how it is-best policy in my book...coyi

281 users have voted.

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