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the movies

Burkie 1's picture
Submitted by Burkie 1 on Thu, 26/03/2015 - 08:41

if you guys want to earn brownie points get " now is good " she'll love it , i watched the last hour of it on bbc2 the other night and i was balling for f**k sake , Dakota Fanning , boy is she blossoming into a real good looker , its "love story " from all those years ago , but with a modern theme , get it out , she WILL be grateful, believe me.
Dont you just hate these international breaks , all kind s of stupid topics

Stevey shep's picture

have you found your balls yet burkie?? get your mrs to watch something scary so she fcks off to bed and you get free reign on the tv!!

259 users have voted.
moore 6 legend's picture

Downloaded from sky and ready for the missus,i might get a dinner tonight lol

208 users have voted.

But have been watching Banished by james mcgovern.He cant do wrong in my book!Its the 4th episode of 7 on tonight,its a gritty drama about the convicts sent to oz.Love it...

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