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a song that just grabs you

hammergirl's picture
Submitted by hammergirl on Wed, 19/07/2017 - 18:56

i like my music and of course we all have our tastes but sometimes you discover a song that just grabs you and this is what happened with this little ditty i am may like you may not but hopefully you may have some songs that i have not heard of before and so expand my music tastes further....hope you enjoy the song.

hammergirl's picture

thanks Andy i really liked the sound of this song....something i have never heard before and i shall listen to more of his music when time allows

353 users have voted.
hammergirl's picture

i have heard this before but not for a good long while...i hope this little post helped rest your mind off the hernandez saga and doing unmentionable things to your milkman! lol

428 users have voted.

I never get tired of that hammer. Anyone heard of Tom petty s live version of oh well! Not a fan but it's very good. Or black top mojos Dream on?

411 users have voted.

First time I've seen and heard that hammer65 obviously know some of their stuff but I loved that one so cool and everything you'd expect from the 60s! Looked iconi to me..

382 users have voted.

A night ill never forget
unavailable on utube :(
should have been the who Baba o riley at hyde park

356 users have voted.
hammergirl's picture

i love hearing peoples tastes in music....and like i put in the post you can just stumble across something thats a couple of years old or decades and think wow how have i never heard that its an ongoing adventure well for me anyway:)

396 users have voted.
hammergirl's picture

a sound all to its own...this is going to sound bad to some on here but its on my bucket list to get a retro player and spin some vinyl it just sounds better than a download..

362 users have voted.
darrenharry's picture

I posted a similar thread about 6-7 years ago on here (when I was pure, accepting and tolerant). It went on receive numerous replies, tapping into many people's favourite 2nd passion.
As my brain cells dwindle, abused by wotsits, crème de month and curly wurlys, I cant for the life of me remember the moody old git who suggested them. but suggest them he did. I recall he said he'd seen them live (CCR).
So I googled/YouTube'd and eventually became hooked. Their catalogue is phenomenal.
I'm forever grateful to him for "virtually" introducing me to them. Whoever he was.

295 users have voted.
Deluded Hammer's picture

Have been me. Saw them at the Albert Hall and later saw John Fogerty quite recently at Wembley

390 users have voted.
hammergirl's picture

i can beat that...stumbling across a video a lonnnng time ago of a band called boney m and song called "ma baker" the guys dancing was wild lol but i cannot stop singing ma ma ma baker she taught her four an annoyingly addictive hook to it.

335 users have voted.
hammergirl's picture

never heard of them until i saw that will have to listen to some more of there tunes

406 users have voted.
hammergirl's picture

damn he does throw some serious moves wonder if it was drug related back then lol..wonder if he still does that now or has had to have hip replacement surgery!

409 users have voted.

Youtube: Cold Chisel - When The War Is Over (Official Video) Pure class. If you don't know about this Australian band, no sweat. Ian Moss the singer/guitarist isn't even the lead singer. Steve Prestwich the drummer, sitting down with the 'shaker' wrote this. Steve very sadly died early 2011. The greatest drummer in my opinion and I've heard and played with a few. Check out a very young Steve Prestwich on Cold Chisel 'Forever Now' Okay, so he's playing a table in the video...

457 users have voted.

Yeah I think you'd like them, some/most of the songs are just brilliant. When The War Is Over (studio) Khe Sanh, Forever Now, Flame Trees, Choir Girl, Bow River, Ita, Four Walls Cheap Wine... It's endless. If you like guitar playing, Check out Youtube: Cold Chisel - Georgia (Official Video) Just wait for the solo, Mossy is just unbelievable and this country's airwaves never bothered with them. because they thought Australian bands were all about Men at Work Down Under, pathetic. Mossy's Strat sound not unlike the great Rory Gallagher.

350 users have voted.

Thats quality!early 80s & ive never heard of em,just shows mate that they didnt get a chance over here in Blighty.
Apart from ACDC & INXS,men at work & Midnight oil were the only other aussie bands i had heard of!!

349 users have voted.
hammergirl's picture

my god you seemed to have so much fun back then a lot better than i see why glam rock was so was the song just listened different to todays music going to have to listen to some more.

381 users have voted.

The sweet were mine too,ballroom blitz was one of the first records i ever bought...i remember the cockney rejects did a version of the sweets blockbuster...Slade were another one i really liked

473 users have voted.

Sweet, real alpha males! Ha ha. Do you remember slade being a skinhead band with boots and braces? Action was covered by def leppard

137 users have voted.


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