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a song that just grabs you

hammergirl's picture
Submitted by hammergirl on Wed, 19/07/2017 - 18:56

i like my music and of course we all have our tastes but sometimes you discover a song that just grabs you and this is what happened with this little ditty i am may like you may not but hopefully you may have some songs that i have not heard of before and so expand my music tastes further....hope you enjoy the song.

mcbikeman's picture

Red loved slade and they were great but you just could not beat the sweet...hell raiser/ballroom blitz/little willy/blockbuster/love is like oxygen...ahh good days followed into the eighties with O.M.D. loved this tune
even today it sounds great wonder what our young original poster thinks of that one

90 users have voted.
hammergirl's picture

another to add to my catalogue...i am so glad i made this post its widening my musical taste a lot....

86 users have voted.

Bloody hell 65! Ziggy & The Spiders from Mars were my 'fave-rave', they were unreal, the greatest in my book. I remember seeing them on TOTP's April '72 at my mate's house with his aged father spouting in disgust "Is that a girl or a boy?" My eyes soon focused on the blonde guitarist with the sanded Les Paul and musically my life changed there and then. (although I ended up buying a black Stratocaster, it was loads cheaper...)

87 users have voted.

Timmy my dad said the same thing about the sweet " you can't tell if they are boys or girls" fast forward a few years and I was agreeing with him about boy George the first time I saw him!

87 users have voted.
andycarrollstyle's picture

Mick Ronson... what a legend! That guitar was magic. It still exists and was bought by a very wealthy fan of his. If I had to choose out of any 3 guitars, it would be this one, Peter Greens les paul and the Randy Rhoads goldtop, modeled after Micks own

91 users have voted.

Yeah some bloke owns all Ronno's gear. The original Les Paul headstock was snapped off by a fan when Mick dangled it in to the crowd which is why we see a different headstock to the Play Don't Worry one. Didn't Garry Moore end up with Peter Green's Les Paul(s)? I loved Rory Gallagher's old Stratocaster, Paul McCartney's Hofner bass guitar, Bill Nelson's ES-345, my own black 1976 USA Fender Stratocaster which I haven't touched for over a decade... now that's a well smart guitar !

83 users have voted.

Yeah my brother liked slade, I hated them until the film slade in flame and now have their cd! I'll check some of these out later, any listen to Al Stewart? Some of his stuff excellent but year of the cat is the obvious one.

80 users have voted.

How about the sixteens mcbikeman. My current fav sweet track. Saw them at my local football club a few years ago. I think only Andy Scott was left.

78 users have voted.
hammergirl's picture

that first song i really enjoyed and damn he got that whole harmonica playing for the second what can you say i love dusty springfield like you say mr mcbikeman what a voice.

95 users have voted.
mcbikeman's picture

seemed to have so much heart in it back many bands were very innovative and had there own sound compared to todays press a key and let the instrument if they have any play for you..

81 users have voted.
hammergirl's picture

my era does seem not to be able to have an original idea of there own when compared to the fun i have had listening to the tunes being posted saying that i do think coldplay will stand the time and i guess they are a fav band of mind.

76 users have voted.

Do that live at glasto couple of weeks back?one of the best live performances ive seen in a long while

80 users have voted.
hammergirl's picture

cannot say old man he'd send me to my room even though its my flat! he was mentioning a few bands and i have now discovered he likes iron maiden,depeche mode,bowie,the great divide talk about different genres! anyway he dared me to post this song lol apparently he had those trousers! omg!!! the shame of it

87 users have voted.
hammergirl's picture

i take it! be grateful i did not do his other suggestion something called jilted john...i have not been brave enough to look that up maybe tomorrow i will

84 users have voted.
hammergirl's picture

lol gordon is a moron ..... daft tune how on earth did that get into the charts...then again i am having to realise back then anything goes it seems.

84 users have voted.

Piano Man is such a great song, I never tire of listening to it. Billy Joel has done some amazing stuff, what a singer. How about 'This Night' from An Innocent Man. I played Dignity and 'When Will You Make My Telephone Ring' from Raintown to death.

93 users have voted.

"It's 9 o'clock on a Saturday, regular crowd shuffles in, there's an old man sitting next to me, making love to his tonic and gin"........ how about man of the world fleet wood Mac. Peter green days.

94 users have voted.

Always liked that vid antkb main because of moony. But I can't take you seriously until you put up a link to won't get fooled again!

79 users have voted.

Quality album...But for me Baba o riley & wont get fooled again ( nice 1 red!!) are The who at their best...

83 users have voted.

Antkb, I was about to pronounce you as a god, until I clicked on the link! Better than I can do tho. I'm still trying to work out how to cut and paste a you tube link from an iPad.

95 users have voted.


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