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My choice no one elses!

plaistow-man's picture
Submitted by plaistow-man on Sat, 04/04/2015 - 20:45

Born in Forest Gate and schooled in Plaistow growing up with kids who mostly supported The Irons, a few Spurs, a few Chelsea and a few Man Utd but most as I said West Ham. My first game in 1969 and I was hooked.. Moore , Hurst and Peters the WC winning trio on the pitch and a 3-0 win yet even before that I was Claret and Blue through and through and not a waiver. Relegations, promotions, "The Boys of '86", The FA Cup, Europe and "Uncle" Avram the usual ups and downs.
Most importantly it has always been my choice, yes MY choice, I could change my allegiance to a Man Utd, Arsenal or Chelski but I despise the fair weather brigade , I was born West Ham, I was West Ham yesterday, am West Ham today and yes I will still be dyed in the wool Claret and Blue West Ham United tomorrow and the next day etc.. I will die West Ham a constant in my life.
No one made me, no one forced me it was and is my choice. I am not a multi-millionaire and do not own the club that is down mainly to our co-chairman David Sullivan and David Gold, I am not a business person but Karren Brady is, I was never good enough to be a professional footballer nor I am qualified to manage the club so I put my trust in those who sit in those positions. The way the team plays and how the club is run and managed is out of my hands and there is nothing I can do but go to games and cheer my favourites on, buy mechandise in order to help the club financially in my own small way.
I literally hurt when we lose whoever we play and am ecstatic when we win and I will never change. Whilst we have the owners, manager back room and playing staff I will support them all 100%, I will not boo the players or manager and it is futile to slate any of them and why? Because all I can do is what I do, everything else is out of my hands and I have the mantra if I can't control it I don't let it worry me. I am always positive and greatly dislike negativity,
Since I was born I keep hearing about "The West Ham way!" yep 1964-66 was a golden era, "The Boys of 86" are we so blinkered that we forgot in 1978 we wnt down just two years after reaching a European Final? Under the guidance of gentleman John Lyall, late 80's not long after the "Boys of /86" again under JL we went down we went down under the legend Billy Bonds and we had arguably one of our best squads under Roeder (Defoe, di Canio, Carrick, Joe Cole et al) how did that happen ? down under Uncle Avram and since a 3rd consecutive Premier season. The West Ham way is inconsistency always was and always will be. We are a work in progress and I will stick by our unpredictable and inconsistent team...the choice is mine and mine alone...West Ham yesterday, today and from this day on..... COYI's!

I agree with everything you say,also i am east end born & east end/essex bred,ive supported westham since 1970 when i was 5 years old when my old man took me to upton park & told me everything i needed to know about Booby moore.i used to be a season ticket holder in the old north bank,at a time when the place was rocking half an hour before kick off & stayed like that throughout the game,being westham you get used to the lows & the odd high!Im not one for slagging off managers or players,but today my friend ive had enough of sam,his tactics,substitutions & his general demeanour,he does not give a hoot about our great club...

257 users have voted.

Great piece Steve. Unfortunately I can't agree. I was born in to being a hammer, didn't have a choice and came from a long line of hammers. They're my team, always will be they're my childrens' team and again always will be. I go to lots of games home and away, but as long as I beleive the team and manager care I give my total support. But I also care about what I have to watch and support, selfishly. I have to believe that whoever is in charge of our team, cares for us as fans. The guys not on £60k a week travelling all over the place singing their hearts out, surely that should be the minimal expectation. For all of you that are trying to convince us we a shoukd be careful what we wish for, and lower our expectations, please answer this simple question. Do you think the success pre Xmas was down to tactical nouse or luck in player availability? Why does he not revert to that formations and personnel to finish as high as possible. Why pick Nolan and Downing playing wide for instance? Honestly if he didn't have this obsession with Nolan and played some kids in a now nothing to lose run in to see if they're good enough, I'd have him stay. Unfortunately it's never going to happen

260 users have voted.
chubbyTURK's picture

Very decent piece of writing Plaistow and from the heart too.
But I personally think not of staying Up and being mediocre but of decent football and entertainment even If that means going down.
I am not a finger nail of a supporter compared to most on here Famously I am Mr armchair but I went for three seasons and remember the enjoyment I got from watching Liam Brady now he was one hell of a player Ince was still a baby but was brilliant even then, but all I wanted was to be entertained sometimes they were awful like the night they lost 0-2 at a packed Upton park in a cup game to Sheffield Wednesday, but I knew that whatever happened they would try to win not draw or defend a goal for 60 minutes but win, and though that is not the best way to play tactically It brought me back.
The fans who go to games should never be taken for granted. You Plaistow you are a brilliant fan probably the best of the best because you support no matter what, but me If I were able could not honestly pay to watch bad football that is played on purpose to squeeze results.

226 users have voted.

I get the way you feel and I tell Oliver that he has to accept that we as a club have our downs more than our ups, if you want glory then support one of the top 4 but if you want proper fans and a decent club then stick with the hammers. He would never stop supporting West Ham I know, he talks to me about it and he accepts where we are and what we are about. The thing is mate, times have changed and we are about to make a big step up as a club and will have to try moving with the times. This means that relying on an Allardyce type manager will no longer be acceptable, as we have to move upwards even if it's a few places towards the ultimate dream of a top 4/5 finish. I don't agree with booing the players unless they are clearly not giving 100% week in and week out, you can encourage only so much and when they are taking per week what most earn in a year then why should we hide the fact that they are clearly taking the piss out of us that pay their wages? We have to change as a club as we are about to move into a stadium of 54,000 capacity and investors will be appearing soon to 'boost the coffers', but what's the point if players are not giving their all and the manager has his head stuck where the sun don't shine? or should we just put up with it and think 'this is the wet ham way?'

289 users have voted.

i think with most fans of which ever club your first club is what you are for the rest of your life , i didn't have that much interest in football , then at the age of 13 and when the cup final was the cup final in the year of our Lord 1964 i saw west ham v preston north end and i was hooked , i must admit i tried being a quitter, several times in fact , i wanted silver ware like a lot of my friends , it was the era when the scum were the glamour side not to long after the double double un heard of in them days , so plaistow with all due respect i think your stating the "bleedin obvious ", leopards never change their spots , not every camel has the hump and mocking birds aren't really taking the piss

191 users have voted.

Burkie 1

Bullyhammer's picture

Agree with all you say ('69 was my first trip to The Boleyn also). Will never boo the manager, but loyalty can't be totally blind. It's time for a change.

330 users have voted.
moore 6 legend's picture

Great post from the heart plaistow keeps you somewhat grounded WHTID but a little pissed off right now but i'll get over it as i always do

205 users have voted.

Funny you should say that mooro,ill get over it!I was really peed off yesterday after the game,well for about an hour then i went out for a lovely meal with the missus!!This morning is just like any other day after a westham game.cest le vie as they say...but i think one things for sure the general concensus is-it is time to move on sam!

191 users have voted.
moore 6 legend's picture

What manager takes off their best striker when you're drawing to bottom of the league with 10 minutes left, makes you think he's lost the plot!

237 users have voted.
timmythed's picture

I'm afraid I'm not like most of you on here, I was dragged up in a little village Thruxton, 4 miles from Andover in Hampshire. I don't have a cockney accent, not one of my family have ever followed West Ham and my local team is Southampton. So what happened to me in my early days, why not Super Saints? I like a lot of you back then, noticed a certain trio in England coulors.. I became obsessed with claret and blue and in particular, Geoff Hurst. My bedroom walls were covered in claret and blue (Beatles, Bowie and Mick Ronson had a space somewhere). I bought rossettes by the score, scarfs, badges, football cards the lot. I went 'round in a West Ham bobble hat, had West Ham key-rings hanging from my belt and constantly told my school mates and anyone within ear-shot that West ham were the greatest. I was twelve when I first saw West Ham, we beat Saints 2-1 at The dell, then followed that with a 3-3 draw at the Dell (we were 3 bloody nil up as well). So I have no ties with the East End but hurt as much as anyone when I see us lose. as we did yesterday, and the way we lost, it's just unbearable. One can only carry on and just hope things are sorted at the business end of our club, but it isn't like that is it, we're all over the bloody shop. We've always been inconsistent we all know that but this is decades on now, we should have some sort of and idea at least. I honestly do believe we have some of the greatest supporters in the land and when I hear them singing, apart from my kids, it's the one thing I still get a little choked up about, STILL, a rough-arsed 56 year old plasterer, muscles in his spit and all that has to try and hold his cool when we're singing our hearts out in our thousands, singing above some crap team with crap supporters like Spurs or Chelsea. If I come across a West Ham supporter at work, it's brilliant! All of a sudden we're family, as though we've known each other all our lives. What is it about this club?
Why write all this bollocks? Because I want the people at the business end of our club to be like me, to really, really, really care about us and get rid of any tosser at the club who's heart isn't really in it and never was. "Sam Allardyce has done well for you though hasn't he". Yeah, brilliant eh, so bloody wonderful. The fear of being left behind is real. We have a huge fanbase, we fill our ground week after week with loyal support and all we're asking is that the powers that be at our club sort it fucking out.

219 users have voted.

Doesnt matter mate that you havnt ties to east london,your post is as passionate as they come mate & spot on!!I applaud you as a a fellow hammer & a rough arsed plasterer like

246 users have voted.
timmythed's picture

Ha! we're a dying breed, youngsters don't want to know these days...

265 users have voted.

Im probably working harder than ever & im 50 in a couple of weeks!Got the blisters & aching limbs to show for it as well...But plenty of work so cant grumble too much!!

229 users have voted.
timmythed's picture

Glad you're busy, there does seem plenty about. Most jobs around are skimming on dry-lining and not so much if any float/set going on any more. Do you use those 'hook beads'? I reckon they're the business. Trouble is most builders reckon they can now put the beads up for you which drives me mad. Sparky's not curling their wires in also drives me mad. Other trades in the way when you're on price work, Radio 1 on full blast... Blimey I really have become a grumpy old plasterer.

286 users have voted.

Nice 1 mate!Just looked them up online,havnt used them but will do now that will save a bit of time!Most of the work around my way is smooth over artex-being essex,that was all the rage years ago!!Dont get me started on builders,etc doing things "their way to save money!!"Plasterboard fixing by d.i.yers drive mes mad mate!!Also its radio 2 for me mate showing me age..Hang on this is turning into a plastering forum!!lol

225 users have voted.
harrythehammers's picture

A Shropshire lad, 56 good Friday,supported hammers since I was 5.. Felt the hurt , felt the elation .. The team always has my support and always will BUT when the owners or managers take the P then as individuals they don't have my support and when the players don't try they as indiduals don't have my support. The club and its supporters are more important than the individual and owner, managers ,players should remember that. West Ham Forever..!

267 users have voted.
plaistow-man's picture

funny I was just thinking about Blackpool the other day and lo and behold to think we played them at Wembley we got an 87th minute winner and look where we are compared to the Tangerines, I bet they would love to swap places with us (manager and all)

274 users have voted.
moore 6 legend's picture

The Fine Line Between Success and Failure!

277 users have voted.

when my children were born,some members of my extended family (mostly the out laws!) tried to tempt my kids to be gooners.i was having none of it-they were hammers from birth & i made it be known by buying a westham babygrow for each of them to wear on their first day of life!!ive still got the photos to prove it,they are westham through & through,& im very proud of the fact....

213 users have voted.
NorthHertsHammer's picture

I was born and bred in Bermondsey,millwall country ,my father and grandfather were millwall,so followed suit until1957,the promotion to the 1st division of the Irons,yes I did read a paper back then,I was converted but kept it a secret.By 1965 I started work and started going to Upton Park.Since then it's been a roller coaster ride what with the cearns ,icelandics etc,now we have the 2 Daves.I think our futures fine there,just need a new manager to take us to the next level.But as to the West Ham way it is trying to win and play football 442 not 451,go for it and try.All good post's above show that we care for the club from the heart.COYI'S

220 users have voted.

Christ that must have been tough-a hammer living in bermondsey!No wonder you kept it secret..;)

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