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2018 London stadium Survey

Submitted by Hammers65 on Wed, 25/04/2018 - 18:15

Just filled mine in,i urge every Westham fan to take the time to fill it in,only takes a couple of minutes...

Usefull hammers links:Westham till i die site - click on it & it will go into their L.S dont have to be a member of their site its open to all westham fans.Love the stadium or loathe it,it "might" just get the board to take some sort of notice...

166 users have voted.
NorthHertsHammer's picture

Did mine on claret and hugh

209 users have voted.

On another site - makes interesting reading..exactly what I thought a lot of peoples reaction would be...its accompanied by 81 pages of comments left by fans...i wonder if the dildos & bonus will read them!!

234 users have voted.

Just read that chelski are set for a 4 year ground share with us when their new stadium is being John Lydon once said "Ever get the feeling youve been cheated!!"

171 users have voted.
andycarrollstyle's picture

April Fools was last month! Oh its not a joke... sometimes I think we should give the footballing world, what it wants and just bury the club and start again from scratch!

192 users have voted.

Starting from scratch again will be the only way our club can regain our identity...its never going to happen though,too many people like "New" westham

209 users have voted.

Reading the comments from the survey wasn’t a surprise but makes for truly depressing reading.

What has happened to our once great club, in all the years I have been following the Hammers I have never felt so depressed about them. I will hold my hands up in that I swallowed the BS in thinking the move to the OS could take us to the next level if done properly but so far it has been nothing short of a disaster on/off the pitch. The Owners who I have defended in the past have ripped the heart out of our club with so many long standing fans chucking in their season tickets to be replaced by popcorn eating half and half scarve day trippers!!
As I said to my old sparring partner on here Dave King I feel so sorrow for the younger generation of Hammers including my boys. At least us old boys have our memories of The Boleyn/Upton Park and the times where we won the odd trophy and tried to entertain. Yes we had plenty of games where we went home shaking our heads but we felt part of a great club with great supporters and we had our HOME.
I hope Mr Gold and Mr Sullivan take the time to read all of the comments and act on them starting with bulldozing the Athletics stadium and turning it into a proper football stadium but sadly I think we are stuck we what we have got. When you see what Spurs have done with their stadium it’s enough to make you shed a tear for the dear old girl and what we could have turned her into!!
219 users have voted.
asheshammer's picture

Heart bleeds for you and yours, mate. Never a truer fan. I remember so many times when most of us on the org would whinge about this or that, you showed a fan's true, best colours. Not rose tinted glasses, but trying to see the positives wherever they could be found. Sad day whey YOU are depressed about the club -- you are the sort of fan Sullivan should listen to. Sadly I think it will all fall on deaf ears now. He got what he wanted.

200 users have voted.

Hope all is well with you and yours mate.

Living 250 odd miles away in Aycliffe “Manor” for many years now I became just a part time match attender but this year for the first time in donkeys years I haven’t been to a single game. My heart goes out to those that have gone year in year out, when I read their comments on various social media forums it’s like they are talking about a death in the family, that’s how much it is hurting so many.
We have literally been sold a dream and delivered a nightmare that even has West Ham fan turning on West Ham fan especially since that cancelled march before the Burnley game.
Sad times mate and I dearly hope something happens in the future that lifts all the current doom and gloom!
178 users have voted.

That's the way i feel,just left with memories of the boleyn was great while it lasted & my biggest thrill is my children now in their mid twentys came with me from the ages of 4 & 6 to experience it...I have a cherished photo of them both in the old east stand upper when we went to one of the last home matches ever at Upton park.

184 users have voted.

My last game at the Boleyn was the 2-2 draw against Palace when Payet banged in that great free kick. Didn’t realise then what we were giving up and still can’t believe how the majority seemed to accept it so easily!

My old man took me to my first game back in 1971 against Man City in a thrilling goalless draw!
We were on level terms with City that day but we are a million miles from them now!
200 users have voted.
moore2come's picture

To be honest this club would now struggle to compete with non-league teams. No heart, spine, belief, imagination, it's just mind numbing mediocrity week in week out with the only highlights being........
Good to see your alive (hopefully well) mate and the family finding more fulfilling ways to spend their weekends, now you don't suffer the tortures at the bowl of misery.

198 users have voted.

I’m extraordinarily well considering I hit 54 next month, wish I could hit that pause button!!

The boys do keep trying to drag me down to the bowl but I have managed to fend them off this season. I am actually on the train tomorrow morning with Lady Aycliffe for a weekend down the smoke to meet her sister and husband. A few beers in the sun and a Comedy club Saturday night and the delights of Shalamar at the London Palladium Sunday night, let’s hope It’s a night to remember!!!
Hope all is well with you and yours down under mate, my good lady is trying to drag me down under in the next year or 2 to meet up with some of her cousins. I really fancy visiting Aus but the thought of that flight certainly puts me off.
197 users have voted.
moore2come's picture

Things are good down here, just had a great weekend in the country at a food and wine festival so feeling slightly worse for wear ahead of another weeks graft but won't complain about that. The wife's off for another holiday this week so myself and the boy will no doubt be at the park most of the weekend kicking/hitting a variety of balls around, he's keeping me fit and young.
Can understand being put off by that long flight, it is a killer but once you're here you won't want to leave.
Take care mate.

179 users have voted.

Thats the biggest mystery for me & i thought it at the time of moving,how did westham fans accept it so easily??

166 users have voted.

Very well put. Aycliffe encapsulates the way so many of us are feeling ,when i first started going id try and make the "chickenrun "the craic in there was something else if there was one thing west ham fans were known for it was the wit .so sad even thinking about the future only one hope now some billionaire from far off lands makes a move ,and turns that monstrosity into a world class stadium not the concrete crypt that it is now ,and call it Upton park ,what else

206 users have voted.

Burkie 1

asheshammer's picture

He tells stories about the Chicken Run. And Burkie is right about the wit -- a lot of chants got started there. I wonder if even the "We've Got Payet" song started there. Didn't last long, but in that season it absolutely rang out from the stands.

202 users have voted.
asheshammer's picture

I like his attitude (it's better than mine). For example, he was as fed up as I was at all that was going on up to and including the Burnley match (by that I mean the Board), but he still said we'd beat Southampton. We watched the Chelsea match together and after Chicha scored he remarked wryly about what Chelsea could do with their blue flag ;) He thinks we'll "most probably" stay up, but not because of any doing of ours (though we might take a point from Manure, in his opinion). He likes the "Big Austrian" but not too many other player. He wonders what happened to West Ham teams that would play fast and direct (not meaning hoofball) and he absolutely hates side-to-side and back passing ("I'm tired and I wanna go home" he starts singing). Like most of the orgers he thinks we were sold a dream and given a nightmare -- just not fun anymore. What I wouldn't give to cheer him up!

193 users have voted.
NorthHertsHammer's picture

I haven’t been to a game in the new stadium on principle,it would be nice if the majority of season ticket holders do not re-new their tickets ,that would hit them hard and boycott the match’s on matchday,but that won’t happen will it,i just despair at what this club is now

192 users have voted.

I have nothing against anyone who likes it,but for me it just isnt westham,i gave it another try a couple of weeks back on a Monday against evening game under the lights used to be the bollox at the boleyn,even though it was a "6 pointer" against stoke it was a total damp squib Imo,am I bothered if I never set foot in the place again??NO it pains me to say it

217 users have voted.

It's clear that the stadium is a big problem to a lot of people, but fact remains we have painted ourselves into a corner on that one. Probably deliberately with this board. I do however feel a lot can still be done if the board run everything well on and off the pitch. The stadium would be reluctantly excepted if the rest was run well. It clearly starts with the playing side of things.

212 users have voted.

Make half the ground safe standing for the passionate fans (never gonna happen)...recruit stewards & local caterers from U.P (burger vans,pie & mash etc) the people selling at this place havnt a clue about westham,try to entice the likes of OLAS to sell his wares outside...get rid of that ridiculous "London" on the badge...these things are more important than the success of the side imo,though i doubt any of the things ive said will ever even be considered!

180 users have voted.
asheshammer's picture

We've been talking about "Identity" (See thread: the salvage plan), and as things progressed it started to become clear what the porn twins were after with the "world class stadium" and "London" on the badge. We could be forgiven for having thought they just wanted to appeal to a wider fan base, but it now looks like they were turning their back on the team's roots, its identity, and its history. "London" was there to look posh, to attract a different "class" of people to the "world class" stadium.

165 users have voted.

65 these are the sort of things I'm talking about! Get safe standing together in the same section as those that like to sing a lot then it might spread around the ground. Maybe a family enclosure well away from said areas. These kinda things are sorted out so easily. Maybe the stadium and bars open early or even make an area outside that fans can get together before the game and get the atmosphere going.

170 users have voted.

For all David golds talk about going back to his roots etc,I reckon he was influenced by sully & brady who couldnt give a toss about our working class history, the L.S suits their privileged lifestyles...anyone for a westham coffee latte!!

153 users have voted.

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