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Arnautovic obviously isn't interested

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 19/11/2018 - 07:36

so the mercenary in him reveals itself. asked after the Austria game about a move and he said he didnt want to talk about it. what was more revealing was that he said its for his 'agent' to decide and deal with. so i think its safe to say then that he simply intends to go wherever his 'agent' says and follow the money. sad really from a man who was lost at Stoke, was taken a chance on by us with a large transfer fee at the time and was transformed into a prem league superpower by david moyes. this after his early ridiculous behaviour on the pitch too under bilic. oh well, another tevez i guess, the arms crossed when he scores, declaring his 'love' for the club but out of the camera's telling his agent 'show me the money'.

It isn't worth worrying about,i don't care if he sells programmes,if he wants to go the sooner the better.Where does it leave us though,here is a clue......somewhere down at the bottom area,we don't have anyone that comes close,let Carroll have a go for half hour,it will be a laugh,he is threatening to make a show isn't he?????For what was going to be a good season with spending all that money,and then the first initial losses,then one high moment beating Man U,then straight back to what we are used to,utter shit.We haven't had a decent striker for years,and now all this talk of him walking its disgraceful.I hope shouts from the terraces,help him on his way this Saturday.

74 users have voted.

Being a westham fan is not for the faint hearted,soon as we get a player that lifts the spirits ala tevez,payet & now possibly Arnie they are offski!!
O/T programme on tonight about wimbledon going back to their spiritual home after 20 years,i wonder if that will happen to our beloved westham??i doubt it in my lifetime!!

79 users have voted.

Oh wouldn't it be absolutely wonderful to go back,i would personally buy a case of Champagne in the Queens Pub if that could happen,mind you I would imagine that I would have to bring it in,as I don't think they catered for that in there. LOL

74 users have voted.

Imo he will be a bit part player for them & probably get the hump after a while,stay at westham Arnie you know it makes sense!!;)

70 users have voted.

but if he does go how about a cheeky bid for loftus-cheek

73 users have voted.

I've got a thing about people with doubled barrel names ,why do you need 2names I think there's something snooty about it Alexander Arnold there's another one imagine the trouble they had trying to get that handle on the back of his shirt ,

82 users have voted.

Burkie 1

Nev changed it for me when I was having trouble loggin in bike changed my profile pic as well ,don't you think I look rather hansome

73 users have voted.

Burkie 1

moore2come's picture

I surprised they don't have Trent on there too as they're unsure what his first, second and third names actually are. He could get called all 3, Trent, Alex(ander) and Arnold (Arnie)!!!!!

80 users have voted.

Hes literally denied it multiple times on social media... the only sources of him wanting to leave are some unknown papers in austria... Give it a rest with the overreaction.

91 users have voted.
moore 6 legend's picture

Apparently arnie has come out with that, it's all good and not true,should have rubbished the rumour earlier,and give his brother a thick ear ;)

76 users have voted.

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