Manchester City fans quickly labeled then manager Manuel Pellegrini 'This Charming Man', after the Smiths song of the same name, no one doubted that he was capable of being tough when required, but his overall demeanor was of an accomplished and relaxed man who more often than not had a smile on his face. Pelle set City up to be the club they are today, him along with the owners many millions of course, but in essence he oversaw the recruitment, the relocation of the training ground as well as the infrastructure of the youth system.
Pellegrini performed his duties perfectly and with dignity, knowing that he was preparing the club for the arrival of Pep Guardiola way ahead of the event he still maintained a certain discipline. Having arrived at the London Stadium Pellegrini set about restructuring the club from top to bottom, his initial efforts resulting in an eye watering war chest which he used extremely wisely with the exception of Jack Wilshere. During the early part of the season when results were dreadful Pelle refused to buckle under the pressure and go all 'Allardyce', he continued to believe in his own 'way', which is as close to the legendary 'West Ham Way' as any manager has achieved this millenium.
During this awkward early season bad patch some began to openly question Pellegrini's ability, but he kept the faith and then results started to turn around. They felt his relaxed stance wasn't animated enough to rouse the troops and perhaps he had 'lost it' during his time in China, however once the team brought in to his game plan results began to happen and Hammers quickly climbed from the relegation zone to mid table. Throughout the difficult times Pellegrini refused to be rattled, particularly by members of the Press who haven't dealt with the Spanish media! If they had done they would have realised their 'leading' questions were water off a duck's back to a seasoned pro of Pellegrin's experience.
Bearing all the above in mind, Manuel Pellegrini's post match comments came like a bolt from the blue, anger past and present was etched in to the normally genial 'charming man's' face, his calm voice even raised at the end of his talk with the BBC. Firstly Pelle was angry with the match officials for allowing liverpool's goal to stand when James Milner was clearly offside when he passed for Sadio Mane to score, it wasn't just offside it was in another post code. Secondly there has been a bit of history between Pellegrini and Klopp when it comes to refereeing decisions, Klopp's Borussia Dortmund beat Pellegrini's Malaga 3-2 in the 2013 Champions League quarter finals courtesy of two injury time goals, four Dortmund players were offside for the winner!
Klopp commenting on referee Kevin Friend saying "he did not want to open the gap any more" in the second period, I heard our goal was offside, I'm pretty sure the ref knew that, In 50-50 situations it was always a free-kick for the other team, which was hard and did not make life easy." In an angry response Pellegrini said "Klopp is used to winning with offside goals, he beat me against Malaga with a goal seven metres offside - so he cannot complain about anything." So, a bit of needle and a bit of afters, maybe things some Hammers fans doubted 'this charming man' had in his locker, but the Hammers manager's post match 'presser' had one last sting in it's tail when the BBC journalist tried to fire in one last fairly innocuous question by asking, "And will Marko Arnautovic be fit for this weekend?" Pellegrini gave the reporter short shrift by saying "I am just talking about this game, I don't want to talk about him at this time", he then 'charmingly' pushed his way past the bewildered BBC journo who was clearly non plussed.
Any one doubting Pellegrini now? His ability and his passion have been tested, and they have not been found wanting, does 'this charming man' bear a grudge? You bet he does! Klopp may have inadvertently done West Ham a huge favour by re-igniting past animosities, bring it on! - Ed

Yes he stuck up for himself
Yes he stuck up for himself and the team alright. Obviously hugely naffed of with Arnie and his situation. I thought it was a great performance last night with everyone giving 100%. Shouldn't single anyone out really, but I have to say Snodgrass work rate was exceptional. I was also impressed with Fredricks at last, good to see him operating at full back with Cresswell. COYI
Snoddy is an out an out
Snoddy is an out an out workhorse love the guy,just watched an interview with kloppchops he's always moaning,
He said first we had dry grass, then it was long grass, then wet grass, then cold grass & last tonight it was Snodgrass.....but he never mention about the lines man smoking grass.
Agree stan
Rather see the likes of snoddy giving his all in a hammers shirt any day to the certain over paid prima donnas we have now & again!!
Think i'd rather it van Dijk
Think i'd rather it van Dijk who slips! Liverpool fans have the audacity to compare him to maldini!
Yeah but knowing his form he
Yeah but knowing his form he'll get a penalty...but just this special once, he'll MISS ! ! !
Safe to say West Ham is the blue half of Manchuria's second team...I'm happy with that as I really don't like Diverpool...the Gerrard screamer kills me every time I think of it........arrrgghhh...done it again LOL
Don't get the klopp love - fest!!
All that effing fist pumping from him when they get a result...only someone in denial would ignore that ridiculous decision to allow their offside goal last night..
See his true colours now that
See his true colours now that it ain't going his way dave,we made em look bang average.
klopps going to do a keegan
blood in the water the journos are going to keep picking at him until he explodes and that will be good to see.
El Pel showed a steeliness about him that we all did not know was there but it is clear it will be his way or the highway for any player who thinks otherwise.
And if we get results against the bin dippers and gooners chelski manure with most of the squad missing we are going too have a helluva season next year with fingers crossed everyone fit and raring to go COYI
They have a song ready for
They have a song ready for him when Ci££y win the league H.G
I said a flip flop the Flippie to the hippie and The flip flop slippy you don't stop, to the bang bang boogie Say up jump the boogie to the rhythm of the boogie, the beat.
We play better without arnie
We played a lot better without arnie ,and I think this should be nobles last year on the pitch, a lot of rebuilding in the summer
Noble had a great game
Noble had a great game yesterday?
Forgive me all you Snoddy
Forgive me all you Snoddy lovers but I just don't get the adulation ,yeah he's got the heart lion and yeah he'd run all day but I think he's lacking in in certain areas ,when he's in possession he's a head down and go merchant and 9 times out of 10 he'll be disposed though he is a good passer of the ball to me he's nothing special ,I think he's a championship player ,I don't mean to be seen as anti Snodgrass I'm just saying that like 1 or 2 more he's not a premiership player
Agreed except hes not a good
Agreed except hes not a good passer.
Sorry dicksy is that aimed at
Sorry dicksy is that aimed at me or Fred
I like his work rate, and i
I like his work rate, and i think hes a solid backup play in the middle, but his decision making is dreadful.
Anderson also has 9 goals....
Anderson also has 9 goals...... ,. Watch him closeley mate, consistently gives the ball away, constantly carries on running with it instead of passing or vice versa. As I said I like his work rate, and I think it works when he plays in the middle as part of a 3.
Effort is important but not everything
No one should dispute his effort or work rate but he was one of our weaker links against Liverpool. We clearly had a game plan with the midfield yet Snoddy was too often on the wrong page. He'd chase after the ball, attempting a press in the opposition half when he should have stepped back and closed off the gap between our midfield and backline. Effort is one thing but maintaining discipline and not being drawn out of position is probably more important.
For someone who is not premier league quality
He's done pretty well imo,didn't let a certain owners wise comments about him affect him,gives his all in every game...may have a couple of faults but this is westham ffs its par for the course having players with faults!!
Word for word
Spot on dicksy imo
Totally agree
He is typical of the type of player we need in the backbone of the team in many ways like Bournemouth , Brighton and even Prem winning Leicester. Instead of dancing around Spain and Italy picking up expensive Carlos Kickabouts Snoddy is the type of player we should focus on that will eventually get us into Europe and only then can you attract the big Euro names like Gomez etc etc
Anderson Man of the Match?
Did everyone agree with that? I thought there were moments when the guy was unplayable but also lost possession a number of times. We had a number of candidates for MOTM, thought both full backs were great, Rice and Nobs, Little Pea put in a shift, Ogi was brilliant along side Diop, and at the risk of upsetting Burkie I thought Snoddy was influential but for me it was Lukasz Fabianski, great saves when required, commanding the box and very safe. Probably one of the best buys ever for West Ham.
Defo agree about Fab
An absolute steal at 7 mill
Just goin to say that ,could
Just goin to say that ,could be our best buy in years
Agree about Fabs,
having someone like him gives the defenders confidence but it can also lead to players like Oggy and Masuaku thinking oh well if we miss it Fabs will get it attitude. The pool game there was none of that so I would guess that Pell has seen it and jumped on them. I was happy to see Fredericks have a good run and he did a pretty good job for his first full game for a while. If he can get over his injury and stay healthy I think he will be good and Cresswell had a bloody good game. I feel for Noble, he has been our Mr West Ham for a long time now but he has to realise that probably next season or even this season when some of our injured return that he will only be a bench player, good for the last 15 or 20 mins depending how we are playing. Overall I thought it was a great game by our team and believe we deserved all the points but I am well satisfied with the one.
For every Anderson type player
That West Ham have had, there's been a Snoddy in the background doing the dirty work. Players like Devonshire, Dani, Lazaridis, Slater all had hard unsung grafters like Paddy Holland, Moncur, Geoff Pike etc in the background who grafted away with a certain lack of skill that we purred over. Even Payet had the likes of Noble or Obiang ticking away. And of course there's always the legend that was "Ticker" Boyce.
absolutely correct! Add Noble
absolutely correct! Add Noble to that list who I thought was brilliant on Monday in tandem with Rice. Best killer pass in the second half came from Noble to Anderson.
Agree fellas
We've always liked a grafter,the one & only Billy Bonds was hardly the most skillfull player we've ever had,but he had the heart of a lion & always gave 100+%...Great news as well that at last a stand is being named after the legend!!
Got a point there Dicksy
But i suppose at least sugo have recognised what he meant to the fans
Its great that Billy is now
Its great that Billy is now fully recognised. Very fitting particularly as I have always predicted the LS WILL be sold to WH... tax payer will soon be feed up with the cost... watch this space!
They should GIVE it away. No-one else wants it. Then maybe we could knock it down and build a PROPER football ground. We'd be mugs to pay for that shithole.
Sold, yes its public money,
Sold, yes its public money, knock down price, yes also.
Shithole? Really? You actually been there? You go regularly to our ground and rub shoulders with 60K West Ham fans? I talk alot to our fans and away fans. Our fans are getting used to the place and starting to embrace as home. The away fans, particularly the comments of Everton fans last season thought the place was brilliant.
Upton Park is gone. Move on. Everton are STILL looking at a new purpose built stadium. Maybe they will sell you Goodson Park and you can put it back together brick by brick have your PROPER Football ground with lousy seating, infrastructure etc etc built in a deprived part of the borough with zero support from the locals.
Me, I love the place.
Knowing the dildos/brady
They will probably get it for nothing!!question is how much will they spend to convert it into a football stadium?? My guess zilch!! They will keep telling everyone how great it is without any changes...well this is one person who isnt falling for it!!;)
Its a good point 65 but I
Its a good point 65 but I dont think its rocket science to make the conversion by which time the porn dwarfs will be long gone and a billionaire sat in Canary Wharf will be the proud owner of a club that sits in the top 20 global ranking... watch this space :o)
Do you really think they will sell Dartford?
I hope your right & they sell to someone with proper gut feeling is they will pass it on to their families...
its all about the money 65
Could be, but Suli would, I am sure pass on to Jack the Cack unless that Canary Wharf Billionaire pops up with a few bob. Would Gold sell his half to Suli... could he really afford it?
Gold to his daughter?
Keeping the dildo tradition going!!;)
Could be!