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Blinkered And Stupid Fans Diss' Hammers Legend's Son Ahead Of Potential Move

nevillenixon's picture
Submitted by nevillenixon on Fri, 24/05/2019 - 20:13

News that David Martin, son of Hammers legend Alvin Martin, might be signed by West Ham as back up keeper has been greeted with 'shock horror' by a certain section of fans, why? Because he currently plays for Millwall, his contract is about to expire and he is available to make the move across the City to the London Stadium on a free transfer, so why on earth could there be an issue?

OK back in the day there have been some unsavoury incidents between both sets of fans, but most of those involved are pensioners now, their bodies might still be willing, but their arthritis rules the day! Anyway, what about Teddy Sheringham? did he not play for Millwall before embarking on a really great career which encompassed playing for West Ham United?

Why should there be a difference between Sheringham and Martin? God's sake's Sheringham played for Tottenham after all! The only reason for disrespecting Alvin Martin and his son in this way can surely be pure ignorance, allied to their lack of knowledge regarding Hammers history. If they look a few things up, or ask someone who has half a brain, they will find out that Alvin Martin played the latter half of his career at West Ham needing a cortisone before every fixture, which damn near crippled him and left him unable to be anywhere near as mobile than he would have been had he not taken the repeated doses of the pain killer for such a long period.

Keyboard warriors! - Ed



North Bank Hammer's picture

Better to have been a true Hammer warrior as Alvin Martin was. We should all be pleased to see the son of any top Hammer signing for us.

76 users have voted.
North Bank Hammer's picture

Great to see you’re still contributing massively and as ever in good humour. NZ is going into winter now and with no football season to warm it up it’s not the place to be. I’m back off to England the week after next to stay at my brother’s sadly our Mum passed away at the beginning of this week. At her age it will be a celebration of a long life well lived and a chance to see the family.

87 users have voted.

Alvin was a legend at westham back in the day, his son should be welcomed with open arms imo

81 users have voted.
boogerscaravan's picture

Pathetic - Sign the lad and The Hammers true faithful will back him - especially if he gets a run out in the cup...

76 users have voted.

Up yer arse, up yer arse, stick yer blue flag up yer arse!!

Found a photo of my daughter with Alvin martin at the xmas parties the kids used to go to,forgot all about that,nice moment.....well I thought it was bin reliably informed it was actually Mervyn day!!the old grey matter is going a bit!!at least there woz a westham goalie connection

67 users have voted.
moore 6 legend's picture

Blimey blast from the past dave,... Mervyn Mervyn on your line..... do you remember that chant from our fans,when he got lobbed just before the half way line, lol

92 users have voted.

Lovely photos mate online,forgot all about 2 were also pictured with Carlton Cole,Freddy llundberg & super johnny Spector!!must have been 10 or so years ago.nice memories mate

81 users have voted.
moore 6 legend's picture

yes mate nice memories,i have some nice photos of my youngest son when I went over Chadwell heath,i had him with Berkovic,Ferdinand,Ian Wright,dicks I was well chuffed at getting that one with him,hartson,lampard jr,rember being gutted because I wanted one with Di Canio but he didn't turn up for some reason,rio had his own chauffeur lol,wrighty was a right laugh we had banter about him being called ian shite shite shite by our fans,he said you wont be calling me that no more I hope,anyway next thing I heard they put a block on the training ground vists because of that bust up that got out in the media with hartson kicking berkovic in the mush.

70 users have voted.

Said it before mate the westham family is unique one big band of brothers & sisters.xx

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