Parents of petulant but gifted children will always try to excuse their bad behaviour by saying "they get bored, they are just much cleverer than the other kids", Hammers boss Manuel Pellegrini knows all about 'clever kids', goodness knows he has 'dealt' with quite a few of them during his long and illustrious career. So the news that Marko Arnautovic is throwing his toys out of the pram will come as no surprise to the Chilean, but it doesn't mean he'll like it.
Body language can be a useful thing, it can overide language barriers and show elements from afar, if you couple that with vocal nuance it may give an indication as to exactly what is really going on between Marko Arnautovic and his brother and Manuel Pellgrini? It appears Pellegrini has had enough of his 'petulant child' and wants rid as soon as possible, the somewhat optimistic £45 Million release clause added to his 'new' contract was inserted for a reason, and that was to tell the World that 'Arnie' is available for transfer and that the club are ready to do business.
With the need for additional funds to overhaul the squad, a move away from the London Stadium looks to be the best solution to Arnautovic's 'grass is greener' stance. The Austrian international has recently stated that he wants to 'win' at the top level, again! There has been a steady stream of stories seeping out about clubs interested in Marko Arnautovic, no doubt instigated by his brother and agent, but there is definite interest. Manuel Pellegrini is to be admired for the composure that he is showing, he doesn't want to rock the boat further, and is content to let 'the waters run deep', but rest assured he will want the 'want away' player out as quickly as possible in order to get the club's intended acquisitions to the club at the earliest opportunity.
So long Arnie, it was good until it went wrong, the patch up was Elastoplast, for you and many others when money talks loyalty walks. - Ed

knowing our luck he'll get
knowing our luck he'll get injured tonight and we wont get a book of green shields for him.
He is poison. The bloke is a
He is poison. The bloke is a two faced liar and needs to go ASAP.
Someone needs to sit down with all the players we intend on keeping and re structure the whole contract system to make sure they are all happy with what they are getting. Until this is done how can the ship be kept stable? COYI
Just read the news Justin Edinburgh R.I.P
Knew of him when he was growing up in essex as a young footballer,forged a pro career & manager of the 'O,s'. gutted...
I'm not sure...
I'm not sure I'll miss him to be honest. Personally I believe he disrespected us with his antics in the January window and was 'rewarded' with an improved contract. If this contract helps us to get a good sum for him from a foreign club then great! If he doesn't love our club or want to honour our shirt then he can b*gger off for all I care but I'd hate to see him at an Everton, Wolves or Spuds!
Trouble is this isn't the 1st time or club he's done this ,and will put a lot of clubs off .