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Not Such Good News On The Fab Front

nevillenixon's picture
Submitted by nevillenixon on Sun, 29/09/2019 - 11:38

West Ham United's last season's player of the year, Lukasz Fabianski, picked up a hip injury during the club's 2-2 draw with Bournemouth on Saturday, he was forced to leave the field during the first half and was replaced by substitute keeper Roberto. Unfortunately the news doesn't look too good with regards his recovery time, the only compensation being the pending International break following next week's home game against Crystal Palace.

Here is what manager Manuel Pellegrini had to say about the ever reliable Fabianski. “Lukasz felt a problem in a muscle in his hip when he tried to kick the ball,” he confirmed.. “We need to know more about it with a medical examination on Sunday.. “Goalkeeper is an important player, but I trust a lot in Roberto also. Roberto played well, he’s a very good goalkeeper and we will see what will happen with Lukasz’s injury and how many weeks he will be out.”

The alarming extract being ......"and how many weeks he will be out.” This does not bode well, because despite Pelle's protestations, Roberto is not a 'very good goalkeeper', in fact, to most Hammers', fans far from it. Of course his manager is going to back him in public, but privately he knows, after all it was Roberto who was in goal for last week's debacle against Oxford.

David Martin is technically the 3rd choice keeper, but perhaps Manuel Pellegrini might see fit to use him against Palace, because Roberto doesn't inspire confidence among his defenders, this was plain to see on Wednesday night and for the time he was playing yesterday. Still, a champions league place at the moment is not to be sniffed at! - Ed



mcbikeman's picture

Roberto is not the best without doubt but if you drop him for Martin or whoever then you would have to replace him permanently as what little confidence Roberto has will be gone and putting someone like that back on the bench will be of no use.....So like it or not he has to play and we have to get behind him and build his confidence for the game against Palace which hopefully will be a good game for him but the only one he starts for us!

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metbobby1's picture

Roberto for the crap that was in front of him against Oxford. He kept a clean sheet against Newport County and nobody complained. As for Adrian...I well remember HIM being criticised on numerous occasions when he was first choice so the ‘we’ve let a great keeper go’ excuse just doesn’t wash with me.

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cast iron's picture

See that he was called up for England u-21's against Turkey last month wonder if we have access to him in an emergency or whether AFC have him to the end of the season. Funny at the beginning of the season we were all saying why do we need3 goalkeepers now we know why but at the moment we must get behind Roberto and perhaps he can do what Adriane did for the bin dippers

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moore 6 legend's picture

Quite worried not having fabs between the sticks not gonna lie,but what can you do,just hope rob takes this opportunity and turns into a banks.

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