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international break zzzzz so have go at this

hammergirl's picture
Submitted by hammergirl on Mon, 11/11/2019 - 11:25

Ok boys its been a dreadful few weeks for us so lets have another topic as its international week BORING so this time i thought i would ask what films should never of had a sequel or 10! so here are my top three that never needed IMO a sequel.



3..John Wick

so what do you think and of course films that needed a sequel again IMO the only one that comes to mind is Rocky 1-2-3 after that it should of stopped.

mcbikeman's picture

John wick 3 i could not agree more what a load of nonsense that was as for films deserving the sequels they had well obviously Airplane and The Naked Gun because i am childish lol

103 users have voted.

Alien,shrek,grease,the godfather after the 2nd,friday the 13th,silence of the lambs,

83 users have voted.

Couple of months ago I was flicking through the channels & I think it was on itv4.still as good as when I first saw it,the sheriff regretted arresting him for nothing that day!!

84 users have voted.
moore 6 legend's picture

Halloween,speed,and predator imo.
A film at the time I thought needed a sequel the original the Italian job,i remember being so frustrated as a kid with the ending.... now did they get that gold of that bloody coach ;)

90 users have voted.
mcbikeman's picture

What a film hated the remake you just cannot beat the about The Boys from Brazil...for you young ones its not about football!

97 users have voted.

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