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Half A Dozen On List Or Half Baked?

nevillenixon's picture
Submitted by nevillenixon on Sun, 26/01/2020 - 11:40

With five days of the transfer window remaining, West Ham United, and just about every other Barclays Premier League club, are desperate to get at least a couple of deals over the line, and despite canny Scot David Moyes saying he will only sanction deals for players that are an upgrade on what he already has at his disposal.

However, with co-owner and majority share holder David Sullivan now back as head of recruitment, the club has adopted a 'scatter gun' approach that is very familiar, a classic example being that Hammers are supposed to be looking at one of SIX central midfielders, Franck Kessie, Ronaldo Vieira, Nahitan Nandez, Sander Berge, Steven Nzonzi and Joe Allen.

While it may be encouraging that the club is so 'active' it does beggar the question of why leave it so late? David Sullivan is not Daniel Levy and lacks the nous required to make beneficial signings with substantial and profitable sell on options, invariably West Ham United are always 'left at the altar', the 'sniping' of Gedson Fernandes by Tottenham from the club is a direct example of a totally non cohesive transfer strategy that has come home to roost in a big way.

Seasoned Hammers fans have heard it all before, but this time the consequences of late action and restricted finances might finally kill the 'golden goose', fans will also be aware that by using smoke and mirrors in the pursuit of multiple players, the board are essentially stymieing the fans.

What happened to the right back so desperately required? also the additional striker, not to mention the left back position! Some fans argue that if the club were relegated, as seems increasingly likely, that a good promotion campaign could see the club invigorated, but given the fate of other clubs who have gone down, a straight return is most improbable.

There is also the small matter of fans attending half full games in the 'Dome of Mysery', worryingly there will be no fortress Boleyn as a venue for the promotion push, and unfortunately the club's hierarchy will retain their ownership, not wishing to miss out on the thirteenth richest club in the World 'cash cow' they have been running. The fact of the matter is be prepared for a whole raft of 'journeyman' players who will replace Manuel Pellegrini's 'exotic' imports, players like Jordan Hugill for example!

It's only going to get worse before it gets better. - Ed



mcbikeman's picture

Thats the level of transfers we need this week or we are doomed...they came in and we were transformed and survived but i just cannot see that happening this time round

40 users have voted.
metbobby1's picture

of football, we’ll end up with Morecambe and Wise! Him and his cohorts are only interested in money making for themselves. I’ve never bought this ‘we’ve been fans since the year dot’ bit.
Bet they said the same thing about the Brummies!

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Sullys a Cardiff fan from birth,Brady's a spud or gooner depending on what side of the bed she gets out of & the green st boy was a massive westham fan the day he was high fiving everyone when his beloved brum relegated us,they are the facts however its dressed up

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I cant see much happening this week,and even if it does,they will be cheap has beens.If we have to resort in bringing back the likes of Hugill,to rely on him would be gearing ourselves up for the championship,as that is his level.I cannot see this team gelling ever,it needs a major overhaul,and yes it will take time and take us down a level.

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