As of 11:30 am on the 10th of May, at least 31,587 people have died after testing positive for coronavirus in the United Kingdom, the average capacity of Barclays Premier League clubs from the smallest, which is Bournemouth, to the largest which is Old Trafford, is 39,380. Ten grounds hold fewer than the tragic amount of people who have already died, perhaps a salient point for the accountants to bare in mind when they sit down to debate the terms of 'project re-start'.
It is difficult to not seem hypocritical when calling for the season to be finished as it stands due to Hammers' precarious league position, just above the drop zone on goal difference, but as talk of playing behind closed doors to empty stadiums gathers pace it should be remembered that the equivalent to a full crowd's match day attendance have already been lost to the virus, is there really any justification in risking more lives before a practical inoculation can be produced?
Surely the authorities will have learned their lessons as a result of allowing the Cheltenham Festival to go ahead as well as the Liverpool and Wolves Champions League and Europa League matches, it is estimated that as many as 5000 deaths could have been avoided had lock down been sanctioned just one week earlier, on the other hand if lock down had been postponed by a further week, the exponential losses could have crept up at a rate of 10,000 per week.
Given all the information available, it would seem rather unwise to rush through a solution that might create a second wave of infection, we are supposed to be a West Ham United fans site and as such normally try to avoid contentious matters, but this is such an important issue that needs to be addressed.
Anyone who has lost a relative or friend to Covid-19 will tell you that they didn't think it would happen so close to home, well it has! Football is our nation's game, and one day it will return, but that return must be metered correctly, it might take a while, but time is a great healer, one day people will look back at what happened and question the sanity of trying to rush football back too quickly just to please the accountants.
How much is a life worth, and how many more empty grounds could be filled by the lost before life takes preference to finance? - Ed

Well said Nev
Football is of no importance at the moment.personally I couldn't care less if they abandon the season,relegate us or whatever....lives are more important
spot on!
I love WH and I love footie but I love my family and friends more and wouldn't risk their lives for sport
I just don't see how they can
I just don't see how they can justify talking about trying to finish the season when it is clear that the virus is out of control in the UK. Be done with it, and try and plan for next season. It's a completely unique scenario that requires different thinking and approach. Football is not a matter of life and death and unfortunately Covid-19 is and that should be the sole focus of everyone
Another Brighton player
Tested positive,all too risky imo
Ive said it before and i will
Ive said it before and i will say it again,scrap the season,its not worth it.
The trouble is Essex that as
The trouble is Essex that as West Ham supporters the other will say..You would say that, you have most to lose!
Having just lost somebody to this horrible disease,when it comes to the Premier league im afraid the old adage of "Money talks and Principles walk " rings so true
sorry for your loss buddy..
sorry for your loss buddy...and agree, Money talks!
Thanks for the kind response Bhoy, he was only 52, stay safe and all the best
Sorry to hear that mate
All the best
Why does this country never have ANYONE in authority who can make a definite decision about ANYTHING??
The Government have dillied and dallied about the WHOLE pandemic situation and SO have the Premier League.
Once lockdown happened the season SHOULD have been abandoned STRAIGHTAWAY!
When football can start again PROPERLY with full stadiums and no restrictions, surely the priority should be to save clubs in the lower leagues.
If the BILLIONS of pounds this business generates can’t afford to help them stay afloat then it’s a dark day for the ‘working man’s’ game.