Having 'sold' or virtually given Sebastien Haller away nearly TWO years ago, Hammers manager David Moyes has searched far and wide to find a striker that he considers 'fit for purpose'. Thus far the search has proved fruitless with more blind alleys than a Mayfair exit on a Pride day attended by over 1,000,000 people!
Having refused to sign up to the previous smoke and mirror edicts of GSB, Moyes has elected to keep his powder dry and ONLY purchase players he actually wants. Sounds simple doesn't it? Unfortunately there is little that is simple in the way 'elite' football teams are run, except ON the pitch where it is still 11 v 11 unless you are a 'top' club, at which point it is invariably 11 v 10 in your favour thanks to the officials being the beneficiaries of some kind of 'thanks'.
Having secured Areola on a permanent deal, signed Aguerd to strengthen the back line and Flynn Downes to bolster the midfield, Moyes is now focusing on bringing in an attacking midfielder, a left back and of course the Elephant in the room that has been there so long it has virtually attained squatter's rights, a striker!
Even if Moyes fills ALL those positions he will still be left with a bare bones squad for the coming season, now it is common knowledge within the club that Moyes has 'enormous' faith in many of the youth players who are now a year older and more capable of being selected AND not being thrown to the Lions if they do play.
Teams with even an inkling of wanting to compete near the top of the Premier League need at least TWO top players available for every position, preferably three! However keeping so many players happy is a battle in itself, so it makes good sense to 'feature' as many youth players as possible, players who won't have the hump and throw a strop if NOT selected.
So when reading about the 1,000th player supposedly 'interesting' the club it is worth bearing in mind that whether you like it or not West Ham are NOT a top club, yet. Without being bank rolled by a Pariah state a club like West Ham can ONLY proceed effectively by utilising their youth players in a similar way to the Red Bull clubs whose business plan is greatly admired by Moyes.
Having waited so long, it is surely worthwhile waiting a bit longer to see if some of Moyes' targets are acquired, what would Irons' fans prefer, smoke and mirrors or genuine results? Journalists make a living out of the 'divide and conquer' aspect of sport, make gans jelous and they have a habit of 'wishing false truths' which of course means trawling the media until they find something they want to believe.
Rather wait a while longer than get involved in trying to sign one hit wonders like Beraton-Diaz, far better to fight tooth and nail to get Broja from Chelsea, yes some decent players will slip through the net, but others with fire in their belly are around, THEY are the type of players Hammers need, the club has had enough of 'big time charlies' and 'big time losers'. - LN

same old type of post that keeps coming up,again,and chelski have not talked to Broja yet so it a case of sit tight,and don’t panic,if fat sam was still manager,thank goodness he is not,would have 35 year old players in nott young players who are eager ,don’t panic be happy
Spot on Louis...
I think that you have hit the proverbial nail on the head, Louis. Ever since Moyes took control of this wayward and dysfunctional club, bringing us more consistency than most of us ever dreamt possible, I could never truly understand why some supporters still can't see the difference between West Ham, Citeh and the recently Saudi-rich Newcastle's of this world.
To get to that next level to compete at the top without having that kind of cash, you have to have a genius of a manager with a plan, step forward David Moyes.
We have a TOP manager at the helm, who has revamped the structure of this club from top to bottom, has a steady pair of hands and is in NO POSITION to make mistakes. This means that we can't afford any more punts whilst swimming in a sea of mediocrity. What this means, is that we have to maximise our current status as a club on the up, to get the right pieces for this puzzle.
Do you appease a few supporters and go back to the bad old days of having a punt.... only for those same know it all supporters to turn on you if it doesn't work out?
...or do you go with your superior knowledge and understanding and stick to your long-term (Big Picture) considered plan?
I'm with Moyes on this one as I have seen more than enough over the years to know a top manager when I see one... The Best since John Lyall.
We are Westham!
Maybe not a top club but 6th then 7th in successive seasons in the best league in the world is not to be sniffed at! Especially after a lifetime of being a bit of a yo yo club..I don't want us to spend 45 mill on dogshite like Haller,there are very good players available at affordable prices.....Mac used to bang the Assombalonga drum & I'm doing the same CORNET - 17.5 MILL NO BRAINER!!
Also imo go for Conor gallagher,another quality player that would come to us
Ahh i rmbr those days
one last bang on the drum...https://www.transfermarkt.co.uk/britt-assombalonga/profil/spieler/186172
A bargain!
But i agree with you 65 Cornet for the left side a no brainer what i found strange is how a club like burnley managed to get him and we did not?....and as mentioned before you F**k marquis signings sign players with a bit of fire in there belly and have something to prove
I think it's fair to say
I think it's fair to say Moyes does not bet on horses that don't run.
Therefor as frustrating as it may be for the likes of us. Unless he identifies someone who will fit the mould and make us stronger, he wont be doing anything.
I'm guessing he doesn't fancy Cornet, or Dennis from Watford. Two players who did well last season for their respective clubs, but may not fit into Moyes regime or vision?
I think Gallagher has a future with Chelsea now. I'm a bit surprised he has not gone for Ross Barkley all things considered especially cost??
Agree fellas
They probably don't fit the mould!
This guy may solve our problem
And you thought you'd seen it all
Was it
doubt that 65
He never was one to put much effort into anything on the pitch
No more appeasing,we have to
No more appeasing,we have to take it on the chin,we do not seem to be able to attract any top player,we are lucky to have Moyes,hes done the best with what we have,and finshed the last 2 seasons in decent positions,im thankful for that,but as it stands and if we carry on the transfer window as we are,im afraid it will change and we will go back to struggling.
Canada's Haller ran the last
Canada's Haller ran the last leg of the 100 metres in the 4x100 metres at a record 8.79 minutes. I am sure that if our Haller borrowed his running shoes, then he might have matched it. :)