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mcbikeman's picture
Submitted by mcbikeman on Sat, 14/01/2023 - 08:10

So Scamacca has not been that great and i see quite a few murmers about him being the new Haller etc but i am actually here to defend both players!

Haller when we got him i was over the moon and in first few games he looked like a proper striker and once settled in would be banging in the did not happen and i like many were thinking ffs another overpaid donkey here we go again and his body language and attitude stunk the place out so that was the reason he had to go....but why the was he like that? he was banging in goals for fun before we got him soon as we got our mitts on him we ruined him....sold to Ajax at a loss and suddenly he's banging in goals again in the champions league running heading closing people down WTF hows that and whys that happened? you ask...Ajax sold him for a profit! to Dortmund and away he goes again and thankfully he has now recovered from his testicular cancer problem and seems on the road back to recovery........So a player who is clearly good enough but we could not get the best out of him or even try to IMO better off to sell than try and come up with a solution.

Scamacca a young man who clearly also has the talent and you do not play as Italys number 9 unless you are able to but once again Cameo appearances and not getting the gametime to settle in flashes of his undoubted talent(calm down HG)but again his body language starting to show and he clearly looks lke a fish out of water at times but come on this Lad in my eyes clearly has something about him but for some reason we get our mitts on a promising player and turn him to shit.....if we sold him i have no doubt we will see him banging in the goals regular for someone else so lets not make the mistake again how about our Manager and so called coaches try something different eh.

Deluded Hammer's picture

Even went to loadsa money Man Utd and set his teams out not to lose. He's never had a plan B, never played on the front foot and never had a team playing attractive football. I must admit, I didn't realise how bad he was at not utilising players to their full potential. Not only Haller and Scamacca but Myes didn't do a certain Javier Hernndez any favours either. For us AND Man Utd

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Dartford Bhoy's picture

I think both players are one and the same. Haller had a sulky attitude and Scamacca is not much better... The cupping of the ear when he last scored, was that to the away fans or to us?

Another very expensive Pig in a Poke!

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mcbikeman's picture

The Lads not been given a proper go and with little support look what happens...sorry to Say Antonio is the same produces very little spends half his time on the floor........both have to be frustrated as playing the way we do both are isolated...give them the tools they can do the job but sadly the way we are set up it will not happen.

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Dartford Bhoy's picture

My expectation, at this level for full international player is much higher. I would expect him to stamp his mark in such a way that bugeyes could not fail to pick him for every game and sorry to say I've not seen that. I agree with your points on The Beast, ineffectual, hes not the player he was!

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But Moyes hardly starts him,brings him on with 15 mins to go after Ants has been shocking for the umpteenth time.imo Scam & Benny should start with Bowen in an attacking 3...I know I'm clutching at straws! ;)

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we have to play 4x4x2 two centre forwards interchanging passes one wins holds the ball then passes and looks for the return try ants and scam then if that fails bring in the young'uns one at a time to have a go at least we would attack

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And the result is mind numbing! I've dug out Allerdyce grant etc in the past for our performances but I have never seen us this bad consistently for a year! Every game is sideways,backwards,hoof,fall over,repeat!! And all this 'credit' in the bank drives me mad! Moyes got lucky & as mentioned elsewhere lingard on loan for us first season he played out of his skin helped us no end

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newburkie's picture

I sometimes wonder do continental players ,specially C F s realise what their signing up for ,English football and euro /south American football are miles apart ,im not sure they have the same mind set that we do ,sometimes their football can be on another planet ,the cream of the Spanish & German LGs play some beutifull stuf ,im not saying the British play isn't great but a lot of our game is based on the long ball or the counter attack , you can clearly see foreign managers influence ,only 1 English boss in the top 6 .
A lot to do with it is the cart loads of money they have ,you always hear when their on tv the comentator will say about certain players " he cost 50 mill fron Barca " or " cheap at 70 million fron Milan " ,the bottom half can only dream about that sort of dosh .
To get back to my original point about do foreign players know what their getting into ,take Scama for instance ,im not sure he would have signed had someone told him he was going to have to run like a horse for 90 minuets and get no service, or very little .
As i said before i hope yous don't think im coming across as anti English ,there are some world class players in the prem ,its just that i think the continentals have move so much further on .

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Deluded Hammer's picture

But I wish we would pay more attention to young hungry players from the lower divisions. They've got about as much chance of being successful in the Premier League as continental or South American players untested and untried in this country. Look at Brentford and Toney and Ollie Watkins (now at Villa)

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Trouble is the foreigners tend to have more flare and silky skills early on in their career,but it puts our English players down in the pecking order and dont get noticed as readily,so cant flourish,dont get the chance or time,the Premier League seems to require instant success.

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Deluded Hammer's picture

Has a young son currently with Arsenal having been schooled previously at two lower league clubs before being taken by them. He's been telling me about the training sessions at all of them. It's all diamonds and triangles passing, playing in tight boxes. Any flair is knocked off pretty damn quick. There's more to be told but truth is, I was appalled at how he was telling me these kids from 7 years onwards are being schooled. At that age they should be playing for fun and just learning ball control imo

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Dartford Bhoy's picture

Its about fun and pure expression! You can teach anyone such practice, it will restrict creativity and vision. I watched recently the documentary about Noble, as a kid he had vision, time on the ball and instinct to spot a pass. If he had been taught triangle, boxes etc such vision would never had been discovered.

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