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Heroes & idols

Submitted by Hammers65 on Tue, 04/07/2023 - 05:08

Got some time on my hands next few fascinated to know everyone's above.Could be anyone.The ones that stick out for me as a kid & growing up are Pele,Muhammad Ali,Bobby Moore,Billy Bonds,Paul Weller,..I can name loads more -comedians,people that have done good in this world so over to you guys

boogerscaravan's picture

My ultimate hero is my Grandad, I looked up to him more than my own dad, strangely enough he was a Fulham fan. My family were from Wandsworth, Battersea and Paddington.

Billy Bonds was my first hero and Sir Trev. Then Joe Stummer of the Clash. When I left school I sort of gave up on heroes but for the last 25 years I've had a lot of time for Dave Grohl and not forgetting Mr West Ham himself Nobes...

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Up yer arse, up yer arse, stick yer blue flag up yer arse!!

Dartford Bhoy's picture

My Granddad, youngest ever Flight Sargent Royal Flying Corp, promoted in the field during the Battle of the Somme, real hero!

Football hero, Trevor Brooking, they say never meet your hero's, they disappoint in reality, met him a couple of times and assure you he was no let down!

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The old boys are the best,just had a few tests in hospital & was put on a ward for the night with 3 lovely gentleman...I cried,I laughed out load & more importantly even at my age I learned more wisdom.COYI

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Dartford Bhoy's picture

Sorry to hear that you were in hospital... Hope you are ok?

16 users have voted.

Thanks just resting,gives me more time on here to talk bo**ox!! I think the excitement of the night at the o2,then catching covid from it,combined with own business,family etc takes its toll at our age but I've had a reality check at last....time to calm down & take it easy,thanks again Mac

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Is another I admire, reading his autobiography at the mo,brilliant actor because he's real,proper East End in an era where you had to be tough to survive... & a proper Hammer all in all a gentleman & one of your own

17 users have voted.

Apparently my Dad fought in Malayia & Singapore I think in the 50s got a scrap book of the photos somewhere need to dig it out

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mcbikeman's picture

He was a P.O.W on the infamous Burma railway and yes he was on that bridge he survived thankfully but despite all he went through he was not a bitter or angry man he got on with his life post war..he passed just aged 66 and i miss him as much now as i did then...i have a letter from the king framed and hanging on the wall alongside a poem in his own handwriting i am proud he was my father and only hope i am half the man he is.

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Dartford Bhoy's picture

Beautiful story Mac. My Dad was in the RAF, fought in Africa, Italy, Jugland etc. Away from home for 4 years. 3 months and 2 weeks... left a boy at 18 home a man of nearly 23. Also not bitter or angry, died at nearly 92, miss him every day!

Similar story, my Brother in Laws Dad was captured at Dunkirk, spent most of the war as a POW, said it would never define his life, first car he bought... a VW!!!

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Seems like a common theme here,my memory is not that good but im sure my grandad on my dads side was in the 2nd world war also. didn't take a lot of notice as a kid I was too busy doing boys stuff.Im going to do a bit of research while I'm off work

28 users have voted.

The bridge over the river kwai,what a film,Alec guinness...can anyone top that?You git Mac I'm filling up here ;)

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mcbikeman's picture

That time was in the past all he would say but my brother has a photograph of the East Surrey Rifles regiment boxing squad with my Dad in it obviously and one of his old buddies got him to tell us how he got on in the inter regiment boxing competition it still makes me laugh today standing at 6ft2inches tall and hands like shovels My Dad was drawn against what his friend said an absolute monster of a man who dwarfed my Dad i asked what happened? what do you think happened he said the bell went they met in the middle of the ring the big guy swung his fist and as my Dad said i let the draft put me down and i stayed down lol

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Brilliant story & I guess pretence can get you out of all sorts of situations ;) lol

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hammergirl's picture

We really do not know how lucky we are to be alive now and not back then talk about a different breed of men. Thank you all for sharing those wonderful stories and the sacrifices made by family members that allow us the opportunity to bitch and moan about our football club.

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I'm sure though people of today etc also talk about our generation growing up in the 60s & 70s,80 god we could all tell you some stories! Maybe another day for another thread

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Deluded Hammer's picture

But I do remember Moore and Hurst being on my wall when I was a very young lad. Having met Hurst since, my opinion has sunk somewhat but hey ho. I massively admired Mohammed Ali too, but still the man I'd love to have a pint with is Billy Bonds.

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Sir Billy Bonds was the epitome of Westham for me,got stuck in all the time a real man's man.To not be bothered about money,he didn't give a shit about a rise every season,just wanted to play for us says volumes about the man.He was my ultimate hero at Westham probably moore than Bobby ( just a bit though).Muhammad Ali was the greatest nuff said

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