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Rice: He's Gone, Get over it.

Deluded Hammer's picture
Submitted by Deluded Hammer on Fri, 30/06/2023 - 10:13

I thought it would be appropriate to start a post where we can vent or express our feelings in one place and then move on, subject closed.
Me, personally, I am massively disappointed in him. This was a scruffy little Chelsea reject we took on who eventually somehow made it into the first team at centre back and lets be honest now, he was a crap centre back. Whether by luck or good judgement he was moved forward in a defensive midfielder, a role he blossomed and excelled at, becoming a fans favourite, club captain, first name on the team sheet, an England International and finally the first captain to lift a European trophy since the great Bobby Moore. All of this, thanks to West Ham. For the European win he will of course go down in folklore. But he won't be a legend.
I don't think Arsenal will give him the trophies he claims to desire, I think he's always looked at us as a stepping stone despite all the badge thumping. I hope it all goes wrong for him at Arsenal, wins f**k all, their fans turn on him and he ends up looking a mug. H'es not one of us anymore, thanks for the memories but don't expect a welcome back from me in the future

I'm still not going to comment!;)
Seriously though this transfer if it takes place will cement any ideas we have of Sully & Declan Rice

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Dartford Bhoy's picture

On the positive side, he cost West Ham very little with a MASSIVE return. In the hands of the right people (not Moyes) the money could be put to good use for the greater good. Football is a team sport and your best players come and go. There's always a bigger fish just round the corner and Arse will struggle to hold on to him if Barca, Real, PSG come a calling with a big cheque... and lets be clear, he's moving for money because City will still dominate for some time.

A great all round footballer with no loyalty (example Eire) and will be just famous for being yet another talent that Chavski missed out on.

I think the argument doing the rounds at the moment on other fan sites is Do you welcome him back to the BoM in a Red Shirt? Personally I'm agnostic, neither clap or boo but cheer on our lads in C&B... that said my final comment to him, and frankly any other none Hammer is coming to our manor is:

P*** Off and COYI's!!!! :o)

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I love your posts,always on the same page mate,you're like a mole man with your knowledge of Westham,take care down under mate & I reckon I might take up your offer of the B of M on your return pal.x

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Dartford Bhoy's picture

Likewise 65, when I am back we will go to the BoM together, be my pleasure to buy you beer in the supporters club and hey.. I might even throw in a bag of popcorn :o)

Hope you are on the mend now? Take care!

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Had one of me mad moments,that we all have now & again but laughter is the best medicine as you all always said keep the faith & I reckon Mr Optimistic has come up trumps

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hammergirl's picture

We had to sell but i do agree the want regular champions league football etc is a smokescreen as i do not foresee that happening on a reg basis at the gooners as for trophies well unless its a domestic and that depends on the luck of the draw then its a no from me.

So the move no doubt pushed by his agent father will not be that great other than the money in wages he will get but again we are told he was offered £225grand a week and turned it down so again this move across town is a funny one.

Pressure will be on the gooners even more next season and looking at there fixtures they have a trouble free opening to the season and should get off to a flyer but we all know how they folded last season and i'm damn sure it will happen again and i do not see Citeh worrying about them.

Declan has been injury free a rarity for a player of ours but it only takes one bad tackle to end a career so i hope he stays healthy and fit but winning things mmmm should of gone to Citeh if that were true.

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Dartford Bhoy's picture

... We are East End... and We Know!!! :o)

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The thing for me is he has taken the easy option, he will play Champios League until they get knocked out and he will be guaranteed first team football but if he had gone to City he would have had to work for his spot. Obviously he wasn’t up to it so took the easy way and that’s a shame but he played the game well telling everyone that he had two years to go all the time knowing he was going. For me love him or hate him Sullivan played a blinder by getting as much as he did because whether Man city actually put in a bid or not Sullivan wasn’t going to let him go without getting as much as he did, £100 million is going to boost our coffers a lot and will help with UAFA’S FFP rules. I didn’t include the £5 million due to the fact that we won’t get it, I don’t think Arsenal are a chance in hell of winning the Premier League or Champions League in the five years that is stated.

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moore2come's picture

Who's Declan Rice??
I wish the boy no ill will, but Arsenal are way, way , WAY down the list of clubs I want to see win anything, so hopefully the only trophy he ever ends up with is the one WEST HAM WON.

23 users have voted.

The Arse has some catching up to do!! Just read ( possible bollox);that tottingham have offered kane close to 500 bags a week plus a career at the club after he finishes playing!! What next the freedom of the city

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hammergirl's picture

Dotting the i's crossing the T's on the contract drawn up by lawyers does anyone else feel they are dragging there heels in a huff and making us wait because of the price we demanded and they have had to agree to.

Personally i would say you no what your hearts not in it so we will keep him bye now see how quick those gits react them eh.

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Dartford Bhoy's picture

FFS ... What a frigging joke!!!

And as for Fat Frank now saying he wanted to make him Chavski skipper for 10 years... do me a favor....

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Poor old Frank,his son was a superb player but like a lot of them it's a different ball game as manager...I reckon though he would be a brilliant young manager for us!! But I don't want to bring back the

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Look at Mason Mount! I truly believe he would be a great manager for us,I was never one to give it to lumpalard at uppers cos it always fired him up, & his Dad was one of my heroes growing up ( remember his corner flag dance) I did it once in a nightclub funny how it soon emptied!!

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plaistow-man's picture

With every word Deluded , I have a Hammers page on FB and I posted something similar, my comment was along the lines of regards his letter to fans.. if all the talk was how wonderful the club and fans have been, a wrench to leave, hard decision etc then why leave?
Ambition...? well he has won 46 full international caps (43 for England and 3 for RoI)
Legend? no players like Bonds, Frank L snr and Sir Trevor all stayed when we went down, they stuck with the bad as well as good, of course we are talking a different era but look at long servers such as Moore, Alvin Martin, Steve Potts and more recently Mark Noble, these guys toughed it out and looking back at Alan Devonshire who took a pay cut when we went down and Macari was in charge or Carlton who took a cut when we went down under Grant, these are the the type of dedicated pros we need and sometimes when you chase a dream you eventually have to wake up. The name on the back of the shirt is nothing compared the badge on the front, thanks Dec but bye, bye!

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Dartford Bhoy's picture

lot of talk in the social media about Dec's lack of sensitivity calling North London his new home. I totally disagree, he has made his bed in N7 and must now relate to his new fans. The WH chapter is finished , move on!

Correct about loyalty and in the words of 65, want loyalty... get a dog! And in his case not an Irish Wolfhound :o)

Wish him luck or otherwise? As I said previously, I'm agnostic, prefer to cheer our boys than worry about the reception of a past player........... COY Massive I's!!!!

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