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Just Like Waiting For....Coaches!

nevillenixon's picture
Submitted by nevillenixon on Tue, 05/09/2023 - 22:42

You know how it is, you wait ages for a bus and then suddenly three turn up, well having 'lost' three coaches with no apparent reinforcements on the horizon, David Moyes now has a full coaching staff again following the recruitment of John Heitinga, Mark Robson and Henry Newman as his first-team assistants.

Heitinga, Robson and Newman join Billy McKinlay, Kevin Nolan and goalkeeping coach Xavi Valero to complete the manager’s coaching staff for the 2023/24 campaign.

Moyes has said: “I would like to welcome John to West Ham United and also welcome Mark and Henry into the first-team group. John is someone I have known for a long time he has gained some very good experience since beginning his career in coaching at the Ajax Academy and working his way up to their first team. Mark and Henry are both already familiar to everyone here at the Club and have deserved the opportunity to step up within our structure.

“John, Mark and Henry will each bring experience in different areas and complement the strengths we already have in the coaching team alongside Billy, Kevin and Xavi. I look forward to working with them and building on the positive start we have made to the new season.”

Will the new appointees 'stand up' to Moysie when they have to? That is to be seen as the season continues, but hopefully they will 'positively' influence Moyes' in game management, especially his use of substitutes! John Heitinga will obviously have a special connection with new signings Alvarez and Kudus as he coached them while he was interim manager at Ajax, so hopefully things will work out well, this IS West Ham though! - Ed



boogerscaravan's picture

Remember Heitinger as a player, for Forest I think, cant remember? He was around the time of the Dutch pomp leftover from the 78 world cup I think along with Muhren and Thijssen at Ipswich?

13 users have voted.

Oi big boy, what's your name?

Beattie...alroight Moy lovvveerrr!!Now wheres me focking TRACKKKTOOORRR...

17 users have voted.
boogerscaravan's picture

Seems I'm getting my Rubber Johnnys in a twist!!! Was Johnny Metgod I was thinking of - sorry Laurence!!

16 users have voted.

Oi big boy, what's your name?

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