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moore 6 legend's picture
Submitted by moore 6 legend on Sun, 15/02/2015 - 01:23

puts today result into perspective

Like you say mooro-puts things into perspective.Its only a game!Thoughts & prayers for the families...

157 users have voted.
Cathammer's picture

The three deaths is an absolute tragedy to the families involved but according to social media tonight the three people involved weren't West Ham fans.

166 users have voted.
moore 6 legend's picture

I've posted twice again nev what am i doing wrong,i went on to more ,General discussion wrote my post and then saved but it don't go straight to active forum when i done post at 01:23

227 users have voted.
Bullyhammer's picture

I think it takes a while for new threads to appear on the list on the right of the page of active forums, but if you go to the General Discussion list it will be there as soon as it's created.

163 users have voted.

Poor fans and their families when all they wanted to do was to watch a football match?

170 users have voted.
asheshammer's picture

Not sure how many of you know, but our editor also lost someone dear to a car accident very recently. Extremely sad. I just still don't even know what to say. Just make sure you tell your kids you love them every single day. And your trouble and strife too!

205 users have voted.

Not good and all the best to you and your family. Making such a good job here with your passion for WHU possibly was a distraction that you needed through such a difficult time? If I'm wrong I apologise but can't help but think that you bring people together in a fantastic way and the hard work you have obviously put in may have been influenced by other events. God bless Nev.

175 users have voted.

Apparently the deceased were not West Ham fans, obviously the bad news is three young people never made it back home after a night out. RIP.

163 users have voted.
chubbyTURK's picture

When human beings die and even if by mistake we say decent things, Nothing wrong with that we too are flesh and bone West Ham or not so is everyone else.
It is nice to be nice as they say, we are all the same regardless of who we support.

181 users have voted.
Bullyhammer's picture

Quite right, Turk. With social media it's very easy for a rumour to quickly become a "fact." Doesn't make it any less of a tragedy. The roads are very dangerous places, and we should all remember that every time we hop into the car. Wasn't aware Nev had suffered a loss, I'm so very sorry.

171 users have voted.
moore 6 legend's picture

Wasn't aware of nev's loss either bully and i take my hate off to him for getting this wonderful new org up and running under the most difficult circumstances

203 users have voted.
La Vida Hammer's picture

My thoughts are with the family's, so sad.

211 users have voted.

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