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New striker needed

Submitted by edwindup on Sat, 18/07/2015 - 21:30

Blimey, Daily Telegraph is saying Carroll won't be ready until Mid-October. We need to get someone else in surely now if true. Looks like Payet is a good find from today's game.

Bullyhammer's picture

Don't think they want to pay the asking price. Think they still holding out for Hernandez, and waiting for ManU to buy another striker.

312 users have voted.
Florida Hammer's picture

Reports of him wanting $80k per week!! A little steep for one good season. That said would I trade him for Caroll? In a heart beat, way better value as Caroll never plays!!

280 users have voted.

Liked the thought of Hernandez, Remy and Destro but they are not going to happen now. Bite the bullet and get Austin now. Carroll is out until at least October.

319 users have voted.

Hes too injury prone,mid october at least then needs to get match fit!Every season is the same with him,cut our losses i reckon.Let him go for 5-8 mill,still save a lot on his ridiculous wages...

307 users have voted.
Bullyhammer's picture

Trouble is, who would pay anything for him, let alone a few million? He'd have to get fit, and play a few games before we could find anybody willing to take a chance on him. And if he was fit and playing for us there would be many people resisting selling him, and hoping 'this time' he wouldn't break down again............. and then he'd break down again!! 17 million down the pan I reckon.

348 users have voted.

I think you have hit the nail firmly on the head.

HE HAS ALREADY missed too much football in his career ever to be anything reliable.

Hard and all as it may be WE HAVE TO RECOGNISE THAT NOW.

Get Austin in.

296 users have voted.

i dont like to sound like an old fart or anything but surly we can spare a thought for his predicament , he's still a relatively young man and for all we know he might never play again, it must be worrying for him and his family ,i know ,i know ,he's probably got no money worry's but that's not the point , like every sportsman he must love the game and he's such a talent i think if he was as good with the feet as he is with the head he'd be one of the best forwards of the decade

298 users have voted.

Burkie 1

Bullyhammer's picture

Nothing against the bloke, and nobody wants him to be injured, Burkie, but I have trouble feeling too much sympathy for a guy who earns more in a month than I earned in a decade. There are people in the world FAR more deserving of our good wishes.

299 users have voted.
moore2come's picture

Originally, going to be fit for the start of the new season, then DG let's it be known should be mid Sep, now it's Mid October. Anyone taking bets on it being another Christmas Panto showing from Andy? This is seriously depressing news. The guy's been out since February. If he broke a nail it's probably be 3 months on the sidelines!

303 users have voted.
moore 6 legend's picture

We'll have to call him christmas carroll ,let’s not say ‘fingers crossed’ as he’d probably pick up a hand injury doing that lol

297 users have voted.

Would cost about £5m, could push Carroll and would get goals from Payet's delivery. I think Austin is a good player but over-priced in my opinion so I would rather go for Gestede.

323 users have voted.

That is actually a very good should ANTKB. Didn't think of Gestede myself. Could prove to be a coup but I doubt the board and Bilic would go after him. Will probably try to sign Chicharito on loan in the end.

289 users have voted.

We have already shown intent and splashed out a bit but, I have a feeling they have a big card yet to pull out of the pack and it will be a £10-20m forward signing that will end our activity pre-season. We may yet take Song or Diarra but they will both be free transfers, Song being my choice.

311 users have voted.
Bullyhammer's picture

I still think it's more important to sign a goal scoring winger type to replace Downing. Hope the Mirallas deal is still alive, haven't heard anything the last few days, which might be a good sign or it might be a bad sign! Mirallas and Hernandez and I'd be a happy Hammer!!

336 users have voted.
Bullyhammer's picture

Thanks Mooro. Sounds like some 'horse-trading' going on. Everton paid 6 million for him, so 10 million is over the top, don't expect us to pay more than 8. A lot may depend on if he wants to come here.

302 users have voted.
Cathammer's picture

We have signed another defender, Dobson I think is his name. looks about 15 and he's also a Hammers supporter. Supposed to be interested in some " wonder kid" from Barcelona. Always take those interests with a pinch of salt, why have the bigger clubs not snapped him up if he's that good.

258 users have voted.
Bullyhammer's picture

Dobson looks a good prospect, but at 17 has a long way to go. Halilovic is 19 and is 'not quite ready for Barcelona's first team squad!!' Which probably make him good enough for ANY Premier League squad, and as he is close to Bilic (being Croatian) I think a transfer to us is quite possible. Trouble is, Barca will write in a buy back clause, at a fixed price, at a set time (say 2 years) and if they come calling, is there any player who would say: "nope I'm staying put...?"

242 users have voted.
Bullyhammer's picture

Cost £16 million -- salary approx 100k a week -- Premier League goals...............ONE!! We aint THAT stupid!! Even crippled AC scores more than that.

307 users have voted.
darrenharry's picture

Hernandez would be my choice, guy is a goal machine. Plays on themshoulder with face to goal and from what i saw of Payet he would suit his probing passes.
whoever it is he definitely needs another. Interesfing to see the midfield beingmloaded with peopl who will pose the opposition keeper problems too. Mirralis would be a great signing but i cant see it.
i agree with ANTKB that there will definitely be another big ££ signing, hearing lots from sources. Bilic is has been given license to attack a cup with the intent of winning and not just getting by.

314 users have voted.
Cathammer's picture

Hope you are right about the cup run darren cos last night i sat down and watched the 1980 cup final, how we could do with another win. To listen to Brian Moore utter the phrase " for those of you watching in black and white" which I did find odd considering most people had colour tv's by the mid seventies. It just shows how far back it is since we've tasted success.

258 users have voted.

We seem to be linked with all and sundry at the moment, the latest being Sow from Fenerbache. SUGO are waiting on Manure to buy a striker so that Hernandez might come to West Ham (very slim) SUGO want Austin on a small amount upfront the rest later plus £60k a week so that wont happen either especially as Newcastle are about to offer him all he wants.
It's a loan striker then imo as a stop gap until Carroll is fit (don't laugh) unless SUGO really are keen on Sow which I hope they are as we do need another class striker not a stop gap for Carroll who let's face it will definitely break down again as soon as he comes back belatedly in December (maybe).

284 users have voted.

A D Bonds

Bullyhammer's picture

Yeah, the way Julian Dicks was talking it sounds like a loan (they do like to try before they buy!). I just hope we are still trying VERY hard to BUY Mirallas or another of his class, because we haven't replaced Downing yet.

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