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Bookies Back Allardyce To Take Over Are They Having A Laugh?

nevillenixon's picture
Submitted by nevillenixon on Sun, 09/09/2018 - 13:07

. Whenever there is an international break, sports journalists face a quandary, there are column inches that need to be generated, after all that expense account has to jusify itself doesn't it? So spurious heresay becomes the order of the day, West Ham find themselves truly in the cross hairs due to their dreadful start under Manuel Pellegrini and the continuing debacle regarding the London Stadium. Had Hammers not lost their first four games, even if they had earned one solitary point, the pressure would be nowhere near as intense, the club has the uneviable mantle of being in the top five clubs in the World for media coverage, unfortunately 99% of it is for all the wrong reasons.

The latest garbage doing the (recycling) rounds is that Sam Allardyce is being lined up to replace Pellegrini at the as yet unsponsored London Stadium, it was inevitable given the club's wretched start that Big Sam's name would be in the frame straight away, much like Steve McClaren and before him Alan Curbishley used to pop up on the lists of managers waiting to jump into someone else's shoes. While it is highly unlikely that the Hammers hierarchy will pull the trigger, one thing they would not countenance is Allardyce returning, if anyone was brought in to 'rescue' the club it would probably be David Moyes if he hasn't already started working in the US of A.

Of course talk of replacing Pellegrini is more than previous at this moment, admitedley four straight defeats in the Barclays Premier League makes for bad viewing or reading whichever way you look at it, perhaps fans were being naive by thinking all the club needed was for the owners to splash the cash as they had been urged to do ever since taking the club over from the 'biscuit barons'. Unfortunately just opening the cheque book isn't a guarantee of success and in many cases it is sometimes necessary to 'take two steps forwards' and three steps back!

The wholesale changes made to the squad would have ideally happened even earlier than actually happened, time has always been of the essence with owners and their bean counters doing their best to limit 'exposure' to 'toxic' arrangements, boring issues like paying wages, a week or two's payments saved before new players sign along the dotted line can amount to millions of pounds! The knock on effect of delaying contracts though can have a potentially disasterous effect, players take time to gell irrespective of the transfer fee paid, in Slave Billic's 'big season' he was able to use the Europa League to set his team out for the impending Premier League season, and it worked well, Pellegrini has had six fewer games to organise his players than Slaven did.

So in essence the message has to be have a little faith, so much in football nowadays is instant, people have little patience and take to social media to voice their anger at the earliest opportunity, this creates a distorted situation where only the vocal are heard and those fans who just want to get on with supporting their team are a silent majority. Until and unless the situation becomes totally drastic, fans should really just appreciate that their club have done what they asked by massively funding player acquisitions and bringing in a 'top' manager, think of it like a new pair of good leather shoes, they take a while to 'break' in, but once they do there are none better.

Things may seem desperate for the Hammers at the moment, but not so desperate as to have to go cap in hand to the man who likes to 'cup an ear' at supporters, the Bookies back Allardyce to take over, are they having a laugh? - Ed



Jesus if this turns out to be true I for one am finnished,I agree Pell isn't in for motm but once we do get a win I think there'll be no stopping us ,Allardyce back ?no chance

89 users have voted.

Burkie 1

Allardyce back is a load of crap.If a little luck was on our side we should of mullered the gooners by half time,if that happened our tails would of been up,and reckon we would of won our two home games,that would of give us nine points,but because we didnt,the pressure and hype that is around us, with all the money spent and the arrival of El Pell,despair and the rut set in all too quick..........The big win is coming.

91 users have voted.

This has gotta be crap. The only way I'd except him back is as a defence coach. Anything more would be the straw that broke the camels back

164 users have voted.

As I see it for now West Ham are just 12 points back off the top team in the Premier Division. The Liverpool game was a disaster, then the Bournemouth game looked like a win after the first half, but it all changed as the game wore on. The Arsenal game looked positive in the first half but again the last quarter decided the match. There were positives to take from this match. Unfortunately, the early lead against Wolves once again translated into a loss in the dying minutes. West Ham need just 1 real factor in their play. Confidence!! It is not just the defence, but the midfield that has to take charge of the games. Pellegrini will eventually get the team up and running just like Moyes did so after taking over from Bilic. The difference between the Hammers and other clubs so far are the manner in which all the players including the forwards have to try and add that extra zip to hold a high line and not just casually drift off once possession is lost. If not West Ham will always look like a club with 9 players on the pitch for 70% of the game!!

79 users have voted.
Dartford Bhoy's picture

Frankly nothing would surprise me, Allardyce or Moyes back or even twitcher. There are a lot of similarities about the Bilic time and El Pel. In both cases the work rate is shocking and big names just not stepping up. I still think that after 7 games we will still be pointless not because I am now just pessimistic I just dont see any obvious change. Maybe I will be wrong and for Everton we will see improved defensive attitudes across the park and we scrape a draw... fingers crossed.

171 users have voted.
boogerscaravan's picture

How can you bugger off back to Chile and give the players a few days off for the International break. I'm sorry he's not cutting it in my book. I cant look past the here and now unfortunately. As for the future - throw a six to start........

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Oi big boy, what's your name?

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