West Ham youngster Conor Coventry has been earmarked to be an influential midfielder for the future, and perhaps now is the time for him to step up to the plate. Coventry is already a seasoned international player and surely represents a far better option in midfield to replace Declan Rice than Mark Noble, everyone loves "nobs', but he has become a liability who doesn't have the ability to influence games in the way that he used to, this is not a deliberately damning comment, just grim reality.
Coping with 'curve balls' is what a manager has to do, David Moyes MUST have had some sort of contingency planning for an injury to Rice or Soucek, or heaven forbid to the two of them. Mark Noble arguably could have 'filled in' for a game or two, but not for the rest of the season.
If Moyes doesn't deploy Coventry, his only other viable option will be to revert to a three/five at the back and push Pablo Fornals in to the middle along side of Tomas Soucek, by doing so he will prevent the midfield from being over run by the zealous attackers of Wolves this evening.
It's crap, but there is no use crying over spilt milk, it is what it is, but many fans' dreams of Europe have already begun to crash down.- Ed

Im all for the youngsters
Im all for the youngsters coming through Nev,so yes if needed,give him a go,has to start somewhere,a good as time as any,lets see if he is up to it now.
Thin squad
now imagine us Qualifying for european competition how can such a wafer thin squad cope the answer is simple it could not and so success for us is a double edged sword indeed
As much as I love Nobes....
As much as I love Nobes.....On hearing the devastating news..... my very first thought was Conor has to be his replacement and it is his opportunity to grab it with both hands. Coventry's reletively unknown status could be a real advantage against a Wolves side who have been playing like their season ended a couple of weeks ago.
We all know that Nobes is now a last 5 -10 minutes, winding the clock down option and can no longer be played from the start of a game. This isn't being cruel to a legend, it's just fact.
My nerves were jangling before this game.....so after the bad news, I'm all over the place.
I'd save Coventry for when we
I'd save Coventry for when we play Villa next so he can go against lady Go-Dive-a (Grealish)
Lol very good andy.
Lol very good andy.