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Growing Confusion Over Details Of Simone ZaZa Deal

nevillenixon's picture
Submitted by nevillenixon on Thu, 13/10/2016 - 12:11

If Simone Zaza had been banging goals in since his arrival at West Ham on loan from Juventus, the move would not have received anywhere near the amount of intense scrutiny it has, and if Hammers weren't hovering dangerously within the relegation zone of the Barclays Premier League his lack of form would not necessarily be a huge topic. However, 'Gabor' has not scored and Hammers are mired in the drop zone, consequently the details of the strikers move are becoming increasingly pertinent because a termination of his loan deal once the January transfer window opens is becoming more and more likely.
As with all things West Ham there is a certain amount of confusion as to the minuni of the detail, does a permanent £20 Million plus deal kick in after 10. 15 or 20 games? Does the club even have an option to cancel the loan? Having paid an initial £4 Million loan fee for the misfiring strikers services, the West Ham United hierarchy might decide to cut their losses and send Zaza back to Juve if they can activate an exit clause, failing that option the club would have to negotiate a special arrangement with his parent club.
It appears that the panic and fervour to land a 'marquee signing' seriously impaired the judgement of those responsible for bringing ZaZa to the club, and it is to be hoped that his exit doesn't have serious financial implications. As it is the acquisition of Zaza has already cost £4 Million in loan fees and by January will have cost over £1 Million in wages!
Most West Ham fans agree it is time to cut and run, but can the club do so without massive financial penalties? The position is unclear, even well placed sources within the club are not entirely sure of all the stipulations that are associated with Zaza's move from Juventus, so how is anyone else supposed to know? - Ed



Don't you find it odd that even though he's struggled for us top teams around Europe want him? I know he hasn't been the greatest but everyone is quick to jump on the back of someone when it's not going well. Yes we have been bad but no one is slating players that have been just as bad as him. I personally think if he gets a goal and we win a few games people will get off his back a bit. I also think the system we play isn't correct for Zaza he needs someone like Sakho up there. This system only seems to suit Carroll and I think we're too dependent on him being fit.

192 users have voted.
nevillenixon's picture

'Gabor' would probably play ten times better if the Sakman was there to worry the defenders, the problem is that Sakho (if he ever gets fit) would be providing for his nemesis! As for Carroll it seems he is always going to be injured for lengthy periods and therefore plan B should become plan A!

189 users have voted.

Nordveit is sh!t, Tore is sh!t. Every player apart from Antonio (and Payet just recently) has played sh!t.

There ya go. Zaza the useless two kids ain't alone in the abuse stakes anymore. Hope there's a clause in his AND Tore's contracts so we can get rid of them at the earliest convenience!!

Only team in Europe I seen linked with Zaza is Valencia and they're hardly a big European team, just a European team.

181 users have voted.

Totally agree with what you say Jay ,must be the three worst buys in the clubs history ,sadly we have form when it comes to bringing in donkeys ,said it before the buying in and selling of players is a vital part of any club and should be treated as such ,does anyone go over and watch them for a few games or is it just a wink and a nod ,if we dont get something at palace on saturday then i think its time to press the panic button ,ten weeks till Chrismas and i think we all know what that means

198 users have voted.

Burkie 1

To be fair, Burkie, the previous 2 seasons haven't been that bad if you take Sakhos sulks out of the equation. But yes, this year has been absolutely shocking. I still have hope for Feghouli as he was looking ok in pre-season but is now just coming back from injury. There was a good write up in the Telegraph today online if you wanna try find it. It shows exactly where we're going wrong with regards our football at the moment.

198 users have voted.

Well Valencia are quite big whatever way you want to look at it and the other team he has been linked with is Napoli who are also a pretty big Italian side.

167 users have voted, including you.

I've not seen Napoli connected with him recently. They were before we got him but obviously saw error in their ways and gave up on him. Valencia are not as good as they were and had a very poor season last season. I don't consider them as a 'big' European team or even a 'big' Spanish team.

204 users have voted.
hammer1980's picture

the only club that has gain and Juventus. He's not top player. the European it was the demonstration. Better Get rid of him before having to shell out 20 milion which are a figure exaggerated.If Valencia and Napoli are really interested in him, send him away

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