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Timing Over Paqueta 'Revelation' Suspicious!

nevillenixon's picture
Submitted by nevillenixon on Sat, 19/08/2023 - 07:55

There is co-incidence and then there IS co-incidence, apologies for our conspiracy theory based comments but the timing of Paqueta's 'alleged' betting offence(s) revelation is just too suspicious to accept given the circumstances, the fact that the alleged bets were placed in Brazil in a West Ham United's sponsors Betway store is even more intriguing!

Paqueta is apparently NOT the only player involved, as similar allegations have been made against Villarreal star Luiz Henrique. Both players have been dropped from the Brazil National team until there is 'more clarity' regarding the charges. Paqueta has unequivocally denied ANY form of betting and is confident that the FA will agree with him when he attends a meeting on Monday to discuss the charges.

It is interesting how the 'wounded' Daily Mail have jumped all over the story and hardly given a mention regarding Luiz Henrique's alleged involvement in a series of bets placed regarding the receipt of yellow cards.

The Mail are still 'smarting' from having to print a 'same size' editorial rescinding the incorrect information they published regarding Hammers new signing Edson Alvarez's wages, they sated that he was going to be paid in excess of £150,000 per week, whereas the real figure is just under £100,000 per week!

As is their way, the Mail NEVER let the truth get in the way of a good story, so it was rather inevitable that they came 'gunning' for Paqueta at the earliest opportunity. When his name is cleared, Hammers legal supremo Henri Brandman will no doubt ensure that the correct amount of column inches are dedicated to putting things straight.

There are some who say that it suits Hammers down to the ground to have Paqueta 'under suspicion' until the transfer window closes, indeed there are some who say that Betway helped 'facilitate' the situation by drawing attention to the anomalies that showed a £100,000 profit made by multiple new accounts opened in order to place the 'yellow' card bets, in Pacman's case it was receiving a yellow against Villa last season.

IF people studded the stats properly, it would be very clear that Lucas Paqueta REGULARLY receives yellow cards. It is part of his no nonsense playing style, he received equally as many playing for his previous club in France.

Finally, why on earth would he risk everything for a week's wages?

We smell a rat, after all it is not as if he is as greedy as certain other individuals who were chosen by the FA to carry out high profile duties on their behalf, is it? - Ed



cast iron's picture

It would never surpise me to find out that there had been some sort of threat on Paqueta and his family there are plenty of gangs in South America that would not think twice about death threats if it meant taking a yellow card to safeguard our family I think most of us would not think twice if our livelihood was on the line.

15 users have voted, including you.

Maybe it's a wind up...know what my money's on...he don't look like he's too bothered

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