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Two Up Top -Two In The Middle -Two At The Back

nevillenixon's picture
Submitted by nevillenixon on Wed, 29/05/2019 - 11:02

'Two Up Top, Two In The Middle, Two At The Back' seems like a pretty simple Barclays Premier League manager's shopping list, a mighty expensive one though! Given current transfer prices those six positions could cost upwards of £150-200 Million to fill. Manuel Pellegrini doesn't have the budget of last season, this is the tricky 'second album' season for the Chilean who, along with Mario Husillos, has got to work his magic on the seven loaves and fishes transfer kitty that he has been given in order to bring in the wholesale changes required to take the club to the level he believes is achievable.

There are already a few 'floaters' when it comes to possible arrivals at the London Stadium, so we thought we would cover each credible option in separate articles, one potential signing we haven't mentioned for a while is Japanese midfielder Shinji Kagawa, the vastly experienced 30-year-old ex-Manchester United player spent last season on loan from Borussia Dortmund at Besiktas where he scored four goals in 14 games which kept up his excellent career record of scoring a goal every three games for club and country..

Opinion: At 30 years of age Kagawa hardly fits in to the 'young' blue print that Manuel Pellegrini and Mario Husillos are targeting, however he has never had continuous fitness issues and might be a very useful stop gap player, but if he does arrive it will be as a cheap alternative for Andre Gomes. - Ed



I just hope we can keep targets under wraps ,unlike last year when we told everyone else who to buy .glad Carol has finally gone coyi

78 users have voted, including you.

But saw snippets this morning.f.a cup final now the Europa what is happening to football? It's become so boring imo,apart from hazard who is a class act but he declares he's offski as soon as the final whistle is blown!!I despair the game I have loved all my life is a money making corporate spectacle with players more interested in taking selfies they can post on Instagram...rant over!!;)
Love it Nev (floaters & 2nd album!!)lol

74 users have voted.
moore 6 legend's picture

spot on mate,What also pisses me right off is them chelski fans dave, how they treat there managers mate,it's most probably another cup and yet again another manager incoming just like they did to rafa spoilt fuckers the lot of em.

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For each clubs fans is a joke too,proper fans who've supported their club all their life not getting a look least I suppose the party was good with all the ticketless fans who went out there

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