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What Is A Loose Agent?

nevillenixon's picture
Submitted by nevillenixon on Tue, 12/07/2022 - 14:39

As expected at this time of the transfer silly season, everytime someone gets a text message 'live on air' speculation is immediate that a transfer is in the offing, or at least an agent is suggesting so.

The Express earlier reported that the Irons have held loose agent talks over Stuttgart star Sasa Kalajdzic, so that would be no surprise if he was the man who triggered the pocket wobblers.

What are 'loose agent' talks? In our opinion there is no such thing as a loose agent, in fact they are far from loose in their negotiating, with a nice chunk of every penny squeezed out of a deal coming their way. Either Hammers are in communication with Sasa Kalajdzic's agent or they aren't, that doesn't mean they are in communication with Stuttgart nor that Kalajdzic has requested a move.

Too many media reports are agent driven, it takes very little to 'trigger' interest in a deal, especially one involving the likes of West Ham who receive a disproportionate amount of coverage compared with other mid to top table Premier League clubs.

As Louis Nixon covered earlier, David Moyes and Rob Newman have their targets which are numerous given the nature of the beast, putting all your eggs in one basket is a recipe for disaster, as is adopting a brainless scattergun approach, there is hopefully a happy medium to be achieved somewhere between the two and this IS the first window that Moyes will have TOTAL control over the signings and more importantly money to make them.

When the company accounts are issued it will become clear why Moyes didn't make signings, before Daniel Kretinsky's cash injection the club was in serious financial difficulties, not the sort of insolvency issues clubs like Derby have faced but still pretty debilitating. The offers made in the last window for Nunez etc WERE real, it is just that the proposed 'never never' financing was unacceptable to the selling clubs. It is already clear that in this window instant funds ARE available which can be used to bring deals to fruition so much faster, as in the Flynn Downes deal.

To some David Moyes pursuit of Jesse Lingard is bordering on the embarrassing, but so what? Moyes is made of tough stuff, so a little tittle tattle is water off a duck's back to him regarding a proposed deal, even at a purported £150,000 per week, Lingard arriving on a free would be a bit of brilliant business. It is worth taking a look at the wages other clubs are committing themselves to in order to appreciate Moyes' position and of course newly minted Newcaslte have helped spike player's wage expectations with the ludicrous money they are offering.

Stay calm in the heat and enjoy a transfer window where the club ISN'T selling other than on its terms, while actively pursuing players WORTH buying rather than those whose clubs are willing to accept low ball terms for. - Ed



Mr Green St's picture

Well said Nev, I have been around far too long to have my mind subjected to a meltdown with every fabricated rumour or story due to lazy & vindictive journalism.
I'm shocked that people still read the Express as the only thing that I would believe in that rag is the date printed on the heading page.
Most supporters should be accustomed to the fact that we have always been linked with everyone and anyone both during transfer windows and outside of them.
Some of these rumours are drawn up on grounds similar to a fight, where you put a few clubs against each other, over a proposed player transfer and "We" fight it out..... these days over social media.
I don't believe for one second that Moyes and Rob Newman are as clueless as these reporting clowns are making out.
The money and finances available are also a very good point Nev and the Biggest factor MOST ignored.
I much prefer the "New" West Ham... a non-leaky club.

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moore2come's picture

Deadline day is the beginning of September and the season starts in early August. Why would Lingard be waiting so long to sign? Surely you would want to get into the club and start training??? Don't know what the boy's waiting for tbh

9 users have voted.

I think he must be in hiding,or taken a vow of silence,there isnt any talk or assumption where he may go,or even where he is,im pissed off with the whole saga,no talk of getting near to signing a striker either,the whole lot is Bollocks,will all be last minute signings,we are getting close to the seasons start,where all should be training together old and new,we need to hit the ground running,Citeh first off isnt easy,dont want to sign some twat with the attitude of oh go on then give me a pen.......Crap.

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