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Burkie 1's picture
Submitted by Burkie 1 on Sun, 21/01/2018 - 20:45

How long more is this farse going to go on for ,injured again ?in case anyone hasnt noticed thats well over a 1/4 of a million a month we could be saving ourselves ,wave goodbye and end this charade now

moore2come's picture

When you see how often players change clubs, it's almost mind-boggling to think this guy has been a Hammer for almost 5 years now. Then you remember the ridiculous salary he's been on for that whole time, how little effort he needs to put in to get paid that much and if he was a horse he would be dog meat already! Face it, when his 6yr deal expires in 2019 and we can get rid for nought, that will be the only positive thing we'll have got out of the whole sorry saga

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