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Koeman gone

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 23/10/2017 - 13:39

as expected Everton acted swiftly and got rid of Koeman. So do they have someone lined up that we didnt? I guess you could ask the question now, Koeman for Bilic? On the face of it you could argue why, no difference this season, on the other hand would we have taken him at the start of the season for Bilic? personally i think i would have. strange one really, both managers seem to have made similar mistakes, bought poorly and unable to fit them into a team.

mcbikeman's picture

our lot dilly dally everton have acted swiftly like it or not that sends out a message that the people in charge are decisive about how they do business while we just flounder about 2 matches here to save job another 2 there...maybe they will ask Koeman to come manage us!

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Dartford Bhoy's picture

I think Everton moved too quickly, he hasnt become a bad manager after a heavy defeat against a team on their day capable of thrashing any club outside of the top 6. Evertons demise is not that surprising despite the big money spent. I believe that only two / three clubs at the start of the season are capable of winning the Prem, three sides to fight over the champions league fourth position and the rest will come seventh or last, its that wide after the top six positions, and so its proving. The start of the season some pudits were saying we would be a force with Little P, Elbows etc... now look at us :o(

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Lol very stupid decision to sack Koeman. New head of recruitment bought porly, didnt replace lukaku, europa and has already had to play chelsea, arsenal, united, City and Tottenham. Id take him in a heartbeat

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