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No injurys

Burkie 1's picture
Submitted by Burkie 1 on Mon, 26/02/2018 - 07:03

In light.of our recent injury crisis i'd like to know one thing ,how come the slimy scum from north London never ,hardy ever get any injurys ,baffles me same flippin team week after week

Young healthy players? Is that anyway to go? What you need is injury prone dead beats. Mark my words this idea will take off at some clubs

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asheshammer's picture

Look at Milner and Emre Can in the Liverpool match. They both writhed on the grass like they were mortally wounded, but soon enough played on as usual. Collins gets injured virtually every match but unless he's torn something, you won't see him out. But then we've had players with mysterious groin injuries (the nutter with the putter, remember?) who hardly ever are fit (until they sign for some other team). And don't even mention Andy Carroll. If a player wants to play, he'll play unless the injury is truly serious. Most of em, I think, are not.

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andycarrollstyle's picture

Well Delli Alli is always diving all over the place so most of the time avoids any contact! On a serious note though, its kust another example of how money has changed the game for the worse - players are simply worth too much money, not just to themselves and the clubs but to the agents, sponsors, wives etc. to risk damage and they know it. So when Andy Carroll gets a bruised ankle or dead leg and wants a day off Its easy for him o get because they err on the side of caution... its the you and me equivalent of coughing loudly a couple of times at work to justify pulling a sicky the next day, except they can get away with it!

203 users have voted.
asheshammer's picture

They'll be bailed out by the mayor of London if things get too rough.

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