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Stuart Pearce

Submitted by Hammers65 on Fri, 01/06/2018 - 14:46

Well,well,well psycho has been talking about how sully & bonus never actually met him in the whole of the 7 months he was there!!but i suppose to us who are used to there dealings this comes as no surprise...apparently though David Gold did meet him & came across as "personable!!"New westham just one big Happy

Whose taken in there bullshit? I criticise when they do wrong, give credit where credits due. Just because im not like some of our idiot fans and blame them for every tiny little thing doesn't mean I think there great and everything all well and good its just the hypocrisy of the situation is ridiculous. Having a go because pearce one of Moyes backroom staff hasnt met the chairman? Why does it matter? Its not his job to meet the chairman its the managers. But what I can guarantee is that pearce couldve come out and said Sullivan used to come wish good luck to the players in the changing room like he did gold and everyone still wouldve complained and said for him to stay away from team outside the running of the club.

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Made us a stable premier league club? Put us back on a sound financial footing? No longer been a selling club, just appointed a manager who basedo ff his previous record at other clubs is the best manager we have ever had at this club certainly the biggest name. Have constantly tried to improve the team though the last 2 years havent been the best partially down to a manager who couldnt get the best out of good players and injuries. Do I want them to stay long term? No Have they made mistakes ? Yes and many of them. Could we have worse owners? Yes in fact the only other realistic buyer we had currently owns QPR and look how its gone for them.

197 users have voted.

We flirted with relegation all last season,a sound footing? by their own admission we are not much better off financially at the L.S so was the move worth it? not for me it wasnt!!no longer a selling club? says who? if decent bids come in for arnie,lanzini,etc are you saying that they will not be considered? a ball hasnt been kicked yet & based on his previous record hes the best manager weve ever had? bit of a bold statement to say the least!!Have constantly tried to improve the team? Debatable!!Westham are a massive club compared to QPR,not sure you can compare the 2..this board took over in 2010 imo solely because with bradys tory connections they knew that there was a massive chance they would get the olympic stadium,they lied through their back teeth to convince tens of thousands of decent westham fans that it was the way forward,in doing so imo they have totally transformed a great,respected,working class community club into a poncey brand that is unrecognisable....

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last season there was 11 clubs in a relegation battle, we're on a much better footing financially, no debts owed to banks, the london stadium was never gonna be a short term financial improvement, but on the long term it will do wonders for us. I don;t think they actively went out of there way to lie to fans though I do think they were extremely misinformed themselves by the government, which then transitioned in to misleading fans. In seasons past players like Lanzini and Antonio after the seasons they had we wouldnt be able to keep hold of and would be sold off for pittance, our chairman have actively tried making sure we keep our best players and tie them to long term deals. Look at the team in 2010 and look at it now, and your telling me it isnt a massive improvement. Yes west ham are a massive club but that doesnt change the fact Tony Fernandes has run QPR in to the ground with poor signing after poor signing poor managerial choices. West Ham were in talks for the olympic stadium years before SUGO took over. The club is only unrecognisable if you like many other have decided to see it that way. Negativity breeds negativity and unfortunately fans by constantly saying 'the stadiums shit' 'we're no longer west ham' are also the same fans who dont give it a chance, or in alot of cases many fans moan about the stadium and havent even been. I've been to the LS and when I went to the chelsea cup game the atmoshphere was mental, much better then anything i've ever heard at UP. The club is what you want it to be. You've literally re iterated my point about pellegrini that I said based on his previous records at Malaga villareal and City hes far and away the best manager we've had at this club on paper. But as I have said before, I don't think there great owners, and I agree that they will sell up in 5 years to the highest bidder, and I agree that they've made a lot of mistakes, grant, moving stadium under the current terms, balance of transfers since we moved stadium, media presence (my biggest gripe). But I'm not gonna be a blind idiot and say they have done everything wrong, have been terrible for us, etc.. when the reality is there not the worst owners we have had, they have done some good for the club, and there wasn't any other viable options, when we were on the brink of administration.

192 users have voted.

Given it plenty of chances,i cant stand the place & i know a lot of people who feel the same,im not sure how old you are but seriously one game at the L.S against chelsea better than anything youve ever experienced at Upton Park!!Blimey im baffled at that one!!although it is about opinions & we will have to agree to disagree...

176 users have voted.

Went to plenty of games at UP and though im not as old as some, the atmosphere outside of the last season at UP had dried up massively outside of derby games and only romantics wont agree. Cup game against chelsea was absolutely rocking. The atmosphere is what the fans make it as proven by many top clubs abroad.

179 users have voted.

There were some areas at UP that were poor atmosphere wise,but we use to stand in the east stand upper near the away fans & even if the team was thumped the crack was always great...there are 2 areas in the new place where all the old fans from the east stand at upton park & BM lower have obviously got the same seats,that is where the atmosphere is imo...where ive been though in every game (mostly Trev brooking lower & upper) at stratford there is no atmosphere at all just a load of whinging & people going home way before the end,that for me is not what supporting Westham is about!!also you have another 20 odd thousand new "fans" on top of its toxic most of the time imo

172 users have voted.

Not saying its perfect mate and I agree that its been toxic at times, for reasons other then the actual stadium. It has potential and needs some work, the atmosphere is there to be made. The tickets situation needs to be sorted among other things, but it will get there. Personally think they should redo the entire season ticket process again from the end of the UP season. Then do more thorough checks on who is getting season tickets. As way to many fans have season tickets but never turn up and many people +2 on childrens seeason tickets in band 1 seats for £99 then have two adult mates walk around from purchased band 5 and 4 seats.

133 users have voted.

Comes back as a coach,isnt it respectfull to at least acknowledge his existence?it winds me up that these 2 people are always banging on about we are all part of "the westham family!!"when in fact they havnt a fu*kin clue...

166 users have voted.

To be fair to Fred i respect his opinion & anyone else who likes the new stadium,it just isnt for me,i do actually really miss the days out with my family to watch the mighty hammers,(will try to get to go to an away game if possible!!)but we all feel the same way - that connection has gone,what a pity....

181 users have voted.
asheshammer's picture

The silver lining was that David Gold met him and was often about. Seems like someone who actually takes an interest.

185 users have voted.
mcbikeman's picture

But when you consider that gold thought he was his new carer things become clearer

146 users have voted.

The word in the ground was they already had a manager lined up but had to wait until the season finished and also be in the Premier still. Hence Moyes as a caretaker manager and anyone else he brought in also temporary. Typical Board not speaking to Pearce probably not wanting to give the game away that Pelligrini was already going to take over. I personally thought it was going to be Newcastle's manager Rafael Benitez not Pelligrini. but what do I know :-)

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