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Wagner and Pelligrini

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Sun, 22/10/2017 - 12:47

no news yet as usual from the dithering board. G&S probably staring at the severance payment cheque unable to lift the pen to sign it. news is that Wagner is top of the list. Id be happy with that personally. I think he's young, got ideas and is a motivator. he's the sort of manager imo who can grow with the club and sort it out from top to bottom. i can't see us doing better than him with our current board. would he come? not sure about that tbh especially mid season. the other one is Pelligrini, now i don't know about everyone else but this is a no no. far too weak and old for the job. at city he was walked all over by the players, couldn't change his lineup, and looked totally lifeless and inept. can't figure why we'd go anywhere near him.

mcbikeman's picture

so no board meeting can be held they say ever heard of skype i say! Pelegrini wont come why have the grief when he's on a £30million 3 year contract in china...Wagner i dont see coming as i am sure he will want to see this season out with it'll be Mclaren or moyes arrrggghhhh

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Skype? Sounds like they don't even have a phone. If, and it's a big if, Wagner wouldn't want to come then we don't want him. After all if he doesn't have the drive for a step up what's the point? Personally I can't see why people would think he wouldn't tho.

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Of course there is more in life than ambition but surely if you have no ambition why are you plying your trade in sport? Surely at the very least you want to test yourself? That is still ambition. It's easy to say this club could be huge but it most certainly can. If anyone has the nous to take us to the next level then they really would become legendary. If a manager doesn't feel excited about that project and isn't already a top manager then he needs his head testing! The manager after bilic is in a win win situation due to the debacle of bilics reign.

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mcbikeman's picture

So how does that work? beat spurs lose to palace your fired lose to spurs well whats the point of going to the palace game? talk about lunatics running the asylum.....anyone notice the strategic kane slight hamstring worry towards the end of the game today..well of course we all no we will be facing a second string spuds team with the odd first teamer playing so if we put out our best team and lose whats that say?...fiddling while rome burns methinks that and the fact they dont have a scooby what to do about a situation of there own making

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