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david sullivan

One Good Egg, One Bad And One Stale Leave

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Submitted by nevillenixon on Thu, 25/06/2020 - 15:30

West Ham United’s 19-year-old defender Jeremy Ngakia will leave the club at the end of the month after rejecting a “significantly improved” new contract, the club said on Thursday. Who knows what went on behind the scenes, the issues involved are rarely clear cut when it comes to a young player, nurtured by the club, leaving despite obviously being wanted. Is it David Moyes' management style? Although a bit of a dinosaur, he has always sought to promote youth players from within, so it is unlikely that is the reason, it is probably because he was 'tapped up' but in a 'legal' way.

It Had To Happen-Calls For Big Sam!

nevillenixon's picture
Submitted by nevillenixon on Wed, 24/06/2020 - 13:51

As the Irons were 'going through the motions' as they played out the remaining minutes of their 2-0 defeat by Tottenham, apart from brushing off old copies of the A-Z for directions to obscure grounds that may well have to be visited, discussion at the Org was swiftly moving on to the inevitable media fall out that would follow.

Any Old Iron(s)?

nevillenixon's picture
Submitted by nevillenixon on Tue, 23/06/2020 - 11:41

Ahead of project restart, positive messages were emanating from the London Stadium regarding David Moyes' much vaunted squad overhaul, with particular attention devoted to signing young, fit and hungry players. The arrival of Jarrred Bowen on deadline day was hoped to be a portent for the future, alas that was not to be, as Covid-19 reared it's ugly head and the game as we knew it ceased to exist.


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