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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 22/08/2016 - 13:34

whats the opinions so far? i have to say i had to check if he was playing yesterday as i don't remember seeing him touch the ball for 90 mins. coming from the bundesliga he should be o.k with the pace of things in the prem, just not seen much participation from him so far.

he is a dm so I'm happy not to see him on the ball - he's pretty solid but distribution isn't too great - a good squad player when everyone's fit

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mcbikeman's picture

next week against citeh...aguerros on fire going to be a long hard 90mins that's for sure

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The jury is still out for me. Have seen him have a mixed performance so far, Time will tell.

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Cracking player.

He got the ball after about 20 mins ( his first touch) and kicked it about 30 metres up in the air!!

Then after about an hour he got his 2 and touch when the ball came to him in the box and nobody from Bournemouth near him and he booted it the way he was facing almost to the back of the stand!!

So would have. to say so far " uninspiring"!!

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