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Moyes Plug To Be Pulled, Eventually!

nevillenixon's picture
Submitted by nevillenixon on Wed, 16/11/2022 - 20:53

Denial is a part of our make up as human beings, without it we would never 'soldier on' regardless on many occasions, recognising denial is in itself an achievement as many people muddle on oblivious to the obvious and seem quite content with their lot in life. The sports wash that is about to begin in Qatar might move the emphasis of what is going on domestically for a little while, but sooner or later certain home truths WILL come home to roost it is a question of when not if.

The Irons board are currently stuck between a rock and a hard place but must know that ultimately they HAVE to step out from the back ground and put a new manager at the helm of the club in situ, their loyalty to current manage David Moyes is to be applauded especially in today's cut throat Premier League, but football IS a different beast now than what it was and is constantly evolving.

David Moyes has worked wonders at West Ham during BOTH of his spells in charge, but the 'brownie points' that he has earned are being eroded by an appalling run of results domestically that has only yielded 14 wins out of 42 games! a one in three win ration is NOT what the club needs. Many are saying the club's relative success in Europe has actually masked the club's slip into Domestic relegation candidates, something has to change, but what?

If one accepts that David Moyes will still be in charge after the World Cup farce ends, how long will he be given before he gets the tin tack? Brendan Rogers was in a similar predicament only a few weeks ago and now it is all smiles at Leicester, the issue is that David Moyes seems far better suited to working with 'seasoned' players who have trodden a full and varied path to the Premier League as opposed to ready made super stars.

Moyes currently has at his disposal a squad of superb players and yet he doesn't seem able or willing to utilise their undoubted talents, is it because he simply can't or is he just so stubborn that it is his way or the highway? At the Org we are of the opinion that Moyes HAS run his course as manager and IF the club can find a suitable replacement then it should hasten his departure rather than wait until the inevitable.

Moyes might indeed turn things round after the Qatar wash cup, but it is highly unlikely that he will be willing to change a style of play that he has utilised virtually ALL of his managerial career, safe and sound but not enough to keep fans happy, the natives are getting restless, but who would they like as Moyes's replacement and more importantly who would want to come? - Ed



liked Moyes but now is the time for him to go sorry,but it will not happen yet

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Moyes has to get a minimum amount of points from our next 3 games,so wtf is he going to do for 6 weeks when a lot of our squad is at the word Cup?? The dildos might as well get someone in now,rather than wait till January when unless there is a miracle he will be gone anyway

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nevillenixon's picture

there are some crazy ideas out there! Tuchel? Franks or even Poch have been mooted but the general feeling is that Moyes WILL be given more time to change things round. At the beginning of the season that Pellgrini got sacked there were plenty saying that his contract should be renewed and extended!

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Tuchel. Won't step down. He's only after big jobs. Pochettino has been at PSG so likewise. Neither of those look like good fit anyway. Frank ideally yes, has the right skill set but can't see him giving up his Brentford project after they gave him his chance. Potter then maybe as he will be looking for work soon. He's not going to cut it at a bigger club though so can he even handle us?

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knows i don’t give a toss u asked i replied deluded

30 users have voted.

are you go into a empty room and sort yourself out PLEASE do us all a favour

33 users have voted.

In answer to the question I think Moyes is safe at present as there is no outstanding candidate. I would have liked Eddie Howe but that ship has sailed.

26 users have voted.

I bet that was who it was! I had a a few disagreements with him years ago,he was really obnoxious & arrogant at times...

31 users have voted.
Essexhammer's picture

Nice piece Nev, like you stated in your summing up Moyes has always played one style of play and it’s wearing thin for many fans. Even if he should turn it around , I still don’t like the football we play , it will not bring success in the modern game. Comparing the top teams in the premiership , in Europe, our game play is a class below. I have always been a fan of pressing from the front , attacking , pass and move, one touch football. Very rarely have I seen that under Moyes , even less this season. Maybe that has something to do with the shakeup in the coaching, Stuart Pearce leaving etc. I want to see a top coach come who plays that style of football not someone whose style is negative , defensive, similar to what we are watching now. Antonio summed it up recently about Moyes’s tactics, contain the opposition , last 10 minutes go for it… No wonder players looked pissed following those tactics. Whoever takes over will have a quality squad of players to work with. A club ranked 17th in the world, certainly has credibility, and many big name managers I am sure will jump at the chance , especially with the Kretinsky investment and more player purchasing power.

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moore2come's picture

I'd prefer Moyes to stay as I'm convinced he can turn it around but he definately needs to get out of the negative mindset he plays with. We can't always set up to defend and nick a goal or two. Sometimes you have to be the aggressor and take it to them. After spending what he did in the summer leaving now would keep WH on the same merry track we've been on for an age. Spend money, doesn't work, new manager, can't work with players bought in and needs an overhaul. We're not a club with endless amounts of cash and spending 150mill then sacking the manager would seem a complete waste of time

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newburkie's picture

Good to see you back 65 ,take my advice ignore him in future ,its not worth the hassle .
Remember what i told you Nev ,this guy will destroy the org mate ,if it is DITM he pollished himself up well ,he's the only one i know that speaks in favour of Moyes ,i cant think of anyone else either on here or W H followers on the net .

40 users have voted.
moore2come's picture

I still favour Moyes to stay. Despite my subtle attempt at reconciliation earlier in the week I tend to agree with the rest of your post

29 users have voted.

It's not Dicksy, he was outspoken ( nothing wrong with that) but he didn't bite all the time,big difference

29 users have voted.

Bite? I simply hold a different view. All this toy throwing, storming off site drama and returning is all your doing!! You's woz doing a piers Morgan.

32 users have voted.

Apparently I'm the retard!! Sort this prick out Nev ffs

34 users have voted.

Funny how the old guard group together. Attacking, bullying users who don't tow their line. Why are you all so insecure,? Is you thinking this forum is just for u guys or something. Tbh, i didn't like to say too much but you call people prick, and then run to the admin to ask for someone to be banned? Says way more bout yous tbh. The funny thing is how wound up you get. Must have little to do I guess. Essex boy joined the threesome now. I quake with fear that the trio will unleash more bullying and insults!

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We all have our opinions,and thats ok,but you have come on here,taken what certain people have said and ridiculed it,not come back with a reasonable debate,its been rude and antagonising,which in turn would get anyones back up,in any walk of life,its not bullying you,its your perception,look within yourself.

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You joined this site less than a year ago, and yet you refer to the old guard! This site has been running for over 20 years so of course there will be people who have been members for a long time, the Old guard as you call them, yes they bicker and squabble but generally things tend to sort themselves out. You seem to like confrontation which is NOT a bad thing, but when it becomes personalised it usually only ends up one way.

26 users have voted.

If you think being called a prick when youre acting like a spoit child is bullying you need to get out more!! Imagine you on a building site you'd last fucking 2 minutes

21 users have voted.

Many a time over the years,there has been disagreements but people agree to disagree & that's the end of it that's why I enjoy it on here unlike most social media where people mouth off,hiding behind a keyboard.They wouldn't do it to your face it's cowardly & childish

25 users have voted.

Exactly so why is it you do it? Read history of posts. It's clear you started it all calling people idiots, pricks and getting yourself all pumped up over a disagreeing poster. Speak to yourself. I do laugh at bullies who turn victim. I mean own your own actions at least. All this looking for support and putting forward a 'get him out' protest. It looks pretty lame

35 users have voted.

Oh dear. Lol. You wouldn't say half the stuff u say on here to Moyes face or rice or et al

30 users have voted.

if you cut us we bleed claret and blue and that is all its about, talking over with fellow like minded people that's what this forum is all about, there is to much angst in the world at the moment, with out trying to stir things up as the bin dippers say calm down, calm down, take a chill pill "up the hammers"

26 users have voted.
nevillenixon's picture

You are up very early in order to be antagonistic! Strongly suggest you get a life and or find a site that likes schoolboy arguments. If you don't like the site, why visit it?

29 users have voted.

Cheers. I like a west ham banter but this all seems closed back patting club. I'll give it bit more of a go n see. Forums supposed be open to debate. Yet to see it here. Btw takes two or more to antagonise I notice u just on side of ur pals. Have u seen the language used by them? Uncalled for. This thread prime example. I was discussing someone jumps in insult. Is that ok with u?

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If you made sense!! Ever since you came on here you've come up with childish nonsense & you expect people to respect the shte you come out with!i suggest you look at yourself,in all the time ive been on here ive never known such an attention seeker as you!!no one knows anything about you,your connection with Westham ,where your from....are you even Westham!!

34 users have voted.
nevillenixon's picture

As I said in the previous comment 'If you don't like the site, why visit it?' You haven't answered this question with the vigor that you answer others.

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