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the pale blue dot

Burkie 1's picture
Submitted by Burkie 1 on Sun, 15/02/2015 - 22:26 i doubt if this link can be accessed or not , probably not because im tosh at computers but i came across this on twitter yesterday and ive got to say its one of the most mind boggling photographs ive ever seen , if it doesn't come up then Google the" pale blue dot" ,the late, great Carl Sagan gives an unforgettable talk , it shows the earth at about 6 billion Kilometers from space its the actual photograph taken by Voyager 1 25 years ago as it was passing Jupiter on its way to Saturn , talk about insignificant , someone wrote " i would love to take every terrorist , extremist, fanatic , religious fundamentalists , dictator and every one else who thinks spilling blood for a tiny fraction of this place is worth it , and lock them in a room with this image for 24 hours

Bullyhammer's picture

Yep the link works, Burkie. As Douglas Adams said: "Space is big. You just won't believe how vastly, hugely, mind- bogglingly big it is. I mean, you may think it's a long way down the road to the chemist's, but that's just peanuts to space..." We are indeed infinitesimally small dots sitting on infinitesimally small dots...

178 users have voted.

To see the image of the earth that small in comparison to the universe.But like the man says that tiny dot has so much history...

150 users have voted.
asheshammer's picture

And to think, Voyager is still going, and only just recently crossed the boundary of the solar system into interstellar space. And to reach the next star would take it millions of years. It's truly mind-boggling. And like you say, it gives you a little perspective.

217 users have voted.

do you ever think ash that they might be wrong , they might just have got it wrong , Hawkins, Dawkins , Cox, all the great astro physicists when you look at the enormity of it and the theory of multi verse that there are countless more universes , not just ours , what if our tiny planet is the only one with life , if you think about it our Earth is tilted at 24 degrees so we get our beautiful seasons ,without this tilt we wouldn't be here we have a lump of rock just the right distance away that gives us our tides , without it we wouldn't be here , theres a huge gas giant, Jupiter that deflects a lot of meteors destined for us ,if it wasn't for Jupiter we wouldn't be here ,we are just the right distance ( the goldilocks zone ) from a great big nuclear power station that warms us , that gives us life and without it we wouldn't be here , coincidence or what ?

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Burkie 1

harrythehammers's picture

But why are we the only planet with life ? Wish I new the answer to that one!

203 users have voted.

not saying we are harry its just that if life is out there in the vastness the chances of us finding it in the time our spices has left is zero

184 users have voted.

Burkie 1

moore 6 legend's picture

Carl Sagan sure drives it home not gonna lie watching the video chocked me up thinking off my lost loved ones through the years

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