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Noble Missing From Fulham Vs West Ham Confirmed Line Ups

nevillenixon's picture
Submitted by nevillenixon on Sat, 27/07/2019 - 14:32

Fulham: Bettinelli, Odoi, Mawson, Le Marchand, Bryan, McDonald, Cairney, Johansen, Knockaert, Mitrovic, Cavaleiro. Subs: Rodak, Christie, O’Riley, Francois, de la Torre, Kebano, Ayite, Fonte, Kamara.
West Ham: Fabianski, Johnson, Balbuena, Diop, Crersswell, Rice, Wilshere, Anderson, Fornals, Lanzini, Haller. Subs: Roberto, Zabaleta, Snchez, Masuaku, Diangana, Snodgrass, Cullen, Yarmolenko, Antonio, Hernandez.



nevillenixon's picture

Apparently it was Fulham who were going to provide the stream, however they relented because they were worried about ticket sales on the day.

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Just a cheap excuse nev. No one ever advertises that there will or wont be a stream so it's never going to affect tickets. If they are worried about Fulham fans expecting all games to be streamed just stream it on west ham channels.

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