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Retention But No Extension For Moyes

nevillenixon's picture
Submitted by nevillenixon on Thu, 06/07/2023 - 21:54

With so many comings and goings within the Irons coaching staff it is easy for the waters to be muddied. Mark Warburton's departure has swiftly been followed by that of Paul Nevin who has also been 'moonlighting' with the full England set up as a dead ball specialist coach.

Whilst it is relatively common to 'lose' one coach, to lose two is bordering on the reckless, especially bearing in mind Hammers players are just returning for pre-season training! What is clear is that there is an urgent need to bring in two additional coaches or to at least promote from within the club's staff, that would in itself leave two gaping holes that would need filling.

The U-18's did really well last season, but is Kevin Keen the man to step up tp the 1st team and would he want to? Perhaps he would rather continue with the group of players he has coached to such success, now that wouldn't be an unreasonable stance would it?

Irrespective of who is brought in, the Elephant in the room is in fact the Dinosaur! Winning Hammers first 'proper trophy' since 1980 has added to the murkiness of the water surrounding Manager David Moyes, rumours of discontent from within the club emerged during the 'turgid' run that almost saw the club relegated have again resurfaced and many assume that there is no smoke without fire.

West Ham supremo David Sullivan has made a point of saying that sticking with Moyes WAS the right thing to do, and he WAS correct, however he hasn't mentioned anything regarding a contract extension for Moyes who still has one year left on his contract.

Irrespective of winning a much coveted piece of silverware, the writing IS on the wall for Moyes, perhaps later rather than sooner but eventually he WILL be gone! David Moyes' Premier League win ratio over the last eighteen months is absolutely appalling, sixteen wins out of FIFTY FOUR games is pure relegation fodder. The Conference Cup victories hid the real truth of what was going on.

There is a reason Declan Rice and others want out as well as the coaching staff!

Further analysis of the Premier League stats shows an astonishing 28 losses out of the last 56 Premier League games, ONE In TWO! Atrocious, there will be more exits to come as Hammers are in danger of losing all their family jewels if Moyes is retained for even one week more than he has to be! Moyes wants retention, but please no extension!

This article is NOT meant to be negative, but it is damn hard to ignore the facts. - Ed



mcbikeman's picture

Said as much in my Iceberg post Nev......and i see nothing but a tough start to next season then an early exit from the league cup as we need to concentrate on the prem...sound familiar?....i just do not see how they caan honestly justify Moyes staying regardless of the cup win...the stats you mention Nev are damning but his pals in the media will back him to the hilt so we are stuck.

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newburkie's picture

100% agree bike ,deserting a sinking ship come to mind and theres the captain standing on the bridge saying "nothing to see here ".
One more thing ,why are we never active in the first half of transfers window ,always leaving it till the last day . It feels to me already that theres a huge gulf with Dec's departure .think weve got a big task on our hands .

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Dartford Bhoy's picture

Pat Nevin's departure is a real worry, rats leaving a ....? . Its clear that the Moyesasaurus is the common denominator!

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boogerscaravan's picture

Couldn't agree more. Moyes had the opportunity to leave at the top so to speak winning a trophy and cementing that as his legacy, Walk away head held up high.

But no. He's going to undo all the jubilation and end up getting sacked 6 weeks into a new season. There can be no other outcome.

The man is stubborn as a triceratops. It defies belief!!!!

17 users have voted.

Oi big boy, what's your name?

That’s what happens when you set up “not to lose” then go one down early doors and don’t have a plan B.
At the risk of repeating myself can we play to win this season?

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Deluded Hammer's picture

Is already well known. The fixture list doesn't look particularly kind. Not sure Warburton had any impact and the dead ball expert Nevin is a one trick pony whose esteem dived even lower with the loss of Dawson. Sullivan and the bitch are still in control, don't know what input the Kretin is offering but not seen anything positive so far. Not good. The only saving grace I suppose is the the elephant in the room has finally departed for the red part of London so in that department we can at least move on. Championsip football it is then.

13 users have voted.

You tell it like it is mate,proper East End but it does get one into trouble now & again.

19 users have voted.

It's too late to change now. Without a settled manager in situ all potential top targets will go. Even though that is a possibility with dithering Dave. It seems Dennis Zakaria is this years Lindgard? I replacement for Rice should have been completed weeks ago.

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hammergirl's picture

Thats nonsense because he is irreplaceable so why lumber any new signing with that millstone. But like everyone else i am worried about Moyes still being there with his anti football game.
every dog has his day and he had his in June but our owners and that is Sullivan in the main our Joe Biden who thinks he knows whats what but sadly time passes him by and really cannot see the wood for the trees and yup i doubt Moyes prem record will improve he may well win the opening game after that well forget it IMO

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Rice hasn't gone yet & sully hasn't got the dough yet so at the moment it's all up in the air...whatever happens is we are Westham,we are united & we grow stronger

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Dartford Bhoy's picture

about Rice being irreplaceable, said it before the boy is world class. With no Rice we will see less protection for Packman and Slowchzech will be a complete liability if he's not already. Tim has his work cut out in coming up with replacement(s) which will demand a new style of football that The Moyesasaurs doesnt understand.

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Deluded Hammer's picture

Is irreplaceable in my opinion. It may well do us as a favour as a TEAM that he does finally go and we can move on. There is no reason with correct recruitment(and I'm not holding my breath with this club) that we can't get two or even three players who will benefit the club morethan revolving around one player. That Rice was so important to the set up suggests to me that there are other areas that needed to be looked at. Such as why, when we get a ball up to the front it comes back at us twice as fast for one.

18 users have voted.

Agree Deluded!Barnes,ward - prowse & this Scott from Bristol those 3 added would have us pushing top 6 imo

12 users have voted.
Dartford Bhoy's picture

Its all just smoke and mirrors from Suli 65.... All of the players mentioned are on the list of the top 6/7.. we are too slow off the mark!

14 users have voted.

But I live in hope! 'IF' we get those 3 or similar I will pass judgement then me old mucker!!;)

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newburkie's picture

Its getting to be a joke ,Decs loss will have a deeper impact than just loosing 1 player ,i reckon its a right moral deflator ,how is it goin to make the players feel?, ,pretty worthless . A bad start ,no Rice, no signings ,( cept Maguire & Mactomminay) ,and worst still Moyes still here .

15 users have voted.

You are right there about morale,those 2 manure players for 50 mill ' reported' would be a no brainer for me...I think Maguire has lost his confidence a bit there but on his day he is incredible imo,just look at Emerson wasn't he 4th choice at Chelsea? He's been unreal,if we could get those 2,Harvey Barnes & a proper striker ffs....we have got some team there challenging top 6

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Deluded Hammer's picture

The FA Cup the season after we sold Bobby Moore. Just thought I'd put that out there.

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I remember on the day at 10 years of age thinking this is so wrong Bobby Moore leading out Fulham! But soon forgot about it when that well known superstar Alan Taylor scored a brace

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newburkie's picture

Have you's any idea of the predicament we're in , spose we have a really bad start and we're in the bottom 3 early ,the strapon still won't sack him ,the press would eat us ,headlines " west ham sack Moyes after he won them euro trophy " the height of ingratitude , so looks like we're stuck with him .

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Dartford Bhoy's picture

I dont give a dam what the press would say, Chavski and others have done it for years, its about being decisive and whats best for your club. Todays headlines are Fish n' Chip wrappings tomorrow.

20 users have voted.

The strap on,forgot that one lol.i remember some geezer on another site putting the driscoll brothers on at the time & I thought it had to be put on here!! Lol

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