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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 01/02/2018 - 07:50


mcbikeman's picture

we have a winner take a bow Hammers65

311 users have voted.
moore 6 legend's picture

Yes,nice 1 dave,burkie will send you 20 books of green shield stamps in the post,you can get that electric blanket now ;)

192 users have voted.

Just used that expression as I've just heard ex westham employee has said we are about to sign evra on a free! Ffs. That's Sullivan pushing the boat out again. Cancel the March ole davie boy has redeemed himself.

195 users have voted.
moore2come's picture

a 36yr old left back. We specialise in these don't we. Winterburn, Pearce. Obviously we've found Sully's weak spot! With all the negative press we been getting lately this is either an attempt to increase the negativity or to divert it away from Sully by having Evra assault the fans. They better watch out!

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