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so why not sackho

mcbikeman's picture
Submitted by mcbikeman on Sun, 26/11/2017 - 07:09

He's like marmite i no but with chicarito injured carroll total rubbish and one dimensional why not give the guy another go with would make us much more mobile upfront thats for certain.....young martinez is of course worth a chance but not as a lone striker that would be to much at this stage for him....carroll if we got any kind of offer i would snatch there hands off but i do worry when reading this morning that we are after some prolific russian striker named Fyodor Smolov....nope me neither and it smacks to me of yet another sullivan buy...56 goals in three seasons for Krasnodar but you have to think about the gulf in class between the russian and prem back to sackho lets give the guy a chance his movement and pace is what we need if we get the non sulking pre internatinal back injury sak back we will do well.

mcbikeman's picture

was always a strange one for me...we all love ginge but his career was winding down where tomkins is young and could play in the centre or the problematic R/B position...guess Bilic just did not fancy him....Zarate had the unpredictable factor about him but his consistency and inability to track back did for him...Amalfitano was/is a talented footballer but if you open your mouth like he did then Bilic had to do what he did to show who was the boss...but all water under the bridge now i just hope Moyes gives sak a chance and i dont mean 3/4 mins from subs bench either

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