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Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 08/08/2016 - 08:04

wasn't there in person but must say having been able to watch the friendly v juventus on tv yesterday the stadium looks magnificent. looked like a full house and the atmosphere came across as great also. this is a seriously top stadium and i've no doubt other prem league sides are green with envy about us getting the golden ticket. how many can it hold? 50k plus? we've got ourself our own Nou Camp! on a side note, why are the benches so far away from the field? seems like a miles walk for Bilic in and out of the dug out.

mcbikeman's picture

is being made available to get to and from the technical area:-)....but your right the stadium is huge and I liken it to the maracana....had lots of my rival fan mates trying to have a dig about it but they are admittedly jealous....yes I would like the crowd to be a little closer to the action but as is I think it works well and once the fans have settled in no doubt the atmosphere will just get better

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I think the key will be to get all the chapters in one section. They're spread all over the ground now so it doesn't work. We need to find that chicken run, Bobby Moore Upper and Lower section. That will then enable the tourists to go into other parts of the ground, yet the noise levels will remain.

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Dartford Bhoy's picture

My first ever visit to the stadium and I am still buzzing! If I had to chose one word to describe it...QUALITY!!! Great connections to Stratford, good signage, excellent stewarding, plenty of bars, fast food, view brilliant in section 228, acoustics great, atmosphere brilliant even for a friendly, comfortable seats, wide aisles so quick exit, plenty of toilets, good flow out the stadium, shall I go on? Bit of a pain if you want to go through Westfield at the end, they make you walk round adding 10 mins to your walk but apart from that it was all fine. I went into Westfield for a couple of beers and some dinner after the game all good but therefore no idea what the stations are like at "rush hour"

Supported the irons for over 50 years.... Do I miss Upton Park? Not for one minute! This is the future, bring it on ...COYI's!!!!

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Dartford Bhoy's picture

Just buzzing mate, all the stars are starting to be aligned, ducks are in a row, no gypsy curse or Indian burial ground at Stratford, the futures bright, its claret and blue!!!... bring it on!!!!

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I have to say I really do like the new stadium, we couldn't have wished for a better view and watching Oliver's face when he found his seat was priceless to me. I can't wait to hear what it is like when an away following is in situ, as already it seems very decent.

The walk from Stratford is fine but looks are deceiving from the train at Stratford, so make sure you allow yourself a good 20-30 minutes to get from the station to your seat. In terms of the pre-match food and drink in the stadium, they ran out of pies before half time at the first game so I decided to try one on Sunday before the game. I wasn't impressed having to wait 20 minutes queuing and the pie was okay, expensive and nothing special compared to the previous ones. It was nice to have a draught beer but the wait was too long, and at half time I decided to get a bottle of cider from one of the small stalls as the beer queue was too long. The catering is poor, considering the prices, and the wait is still far too long so I will drink and eat locally in future and save a few pounds.

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Dartford Bhoy's picture

I was in section 228 Trevor Brooking stand, queue at half time for a draught beer, after getting there 5 mins after the whistle, was no more than 10 mins. Agree about the walk, I got a season ticket in the TB as its closer to the station. Spoke with a guy who is in Club London West side and he said its adding another 10 mins to the walk!

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bonzo and the bov's picture

I was lucky enough to get 3 tickets for Thursdays game. A mate who was driving us from the midlands was told ( by a relation ) to catch the train at Enfield lock. We missed the train by 5 mins and had to wait 40 odd mins. by the time we got to the stadium it was 7.30. It was a fantastic night, the bubbles sung in unison made the hairs at the back of my neck stand. Now getting out to Stratford station was the ball ache. being filtered like cattle ??? stop start you wait till it's pissing down in the middle on November with the away fans being filtered in as well a few words will be said on site I'm sure.I ended up back in Burton at 2am I'm glad I moved my day off from the Wednesday to the Friday

    Sunday was a different ball game, 5 of us set out at 6 am and drove ( my recommendation ) to Epping and caught the tube, which was hell of a lot better we were in the TB upper . We left the game a few mins before the whistle went and walked strait through to the tube station no stopping what's so ever.. What also was better was the sing during the game was in unison Thursday there were little pockets trying to make some noise this time ( IMO ) they seem to be more of an atmosphere, this proved it when Payet started warming up, think what it's going to be like when the so called big boys come...It's going to take time to settle in people will moan just like they did at the Boleyn when it went all seated. On a personal note I'm so glad I brought a champions stone to be laid ( found it as well in the Martin Peters block )...I can't see me going to any of the prem games as I only have one Saturday in six off and I think they will be sell outs. Saying that I'm keeping my fingers crossed for the next leg of the Europa as I'm off all that week so getting back wont be an issue..COYI'
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