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June 14th Still A Way Off!

Louis Nixon's picture
Submitted by Louis Nixon on Fri, 31/05/2024 - 06:59

As the media 'thunder wagon' of rumours gets up to full pelt it is worth remembering that contracted players cannot be signed before June the 14th, for International players the window doesn't open until July the 1st!

So all the names of potential arrivals are currently mere conjecture, given Hammers need almost a total squad rebuild the names mentioned are a plenty. One issue that has to be addressed is the 'home grown' issue. To that purpose Tim Steidten is looking to sign peripheral players like Wes Fotheringham for low wages to tick the required boxes, which seems rather prudent.

Buying old and resigning old players like the Sheffield keeper and Aaron Cresswell might seem like a backward step but they will help fill the quota at minimum cost, whereas young English and GB players attract a massive premium.

One suspects there is going to be quite a lot of smoke and mirrors involved in the REAL Steidten player targeting, but unlike previous transfer windows the signs are that he intends to get Hammers business done quickly in order to provide his head coach with the tools of the trade well ahead of the beginning of the season, that in itself is worth between three and ten extra points per season.

As things stand the potential Paqueta windfall has all but evaporated, but if the player gets his head down and plays to his undoubted abilities the club will surely benefit and NOT have to find a like for like replacement.

If there is a bidding war for Aguerd then those funds can go straight into the transfer kitty, bolstering it by as much as £40 Million. That is not to say that Steidten hasn't got to be frugal in his purchases, but he built the Dortmund team on a shoestring and there is no reason he can't do it at West Ham!

Of course fans WILL be disappointed when 'big names' join other clubs, but it is about time that players were purchased for the good of the team and NOT just to appease disgruntled fans, it is the only way for the club to progress efficiently and effectively. -LN



That was a very informed article and you are right that Tim Steinden will in essence be the main person that can change how west ham over the years have had a scatter brain approach not acting quick enough and normally winding up with older players no sell on value injury prone and overall wasting so much money because of no clear vision.Steinden over time will bring in younger players not always well known but most will i'm sure will have a much bigger sell on value if sold later on bringing more profit into club to keep progressing.

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boogerscaravan's picture

You can bet your bollox to a barndance that pacqueta will get dogs abuse on the terraces. Away fans will have a field day with him. I hope he has a large pair of cahunas as opposition players will be winding him right up.

Not to mention every card he gets will be double scrutinised by Sky.

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Oi big boy, what's your name?

be a great time to get his head down and produce magic every time he plays that's the way to get fans of your back and give 100% oh and a great post louis

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