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Path Clear For Gomez To Be The Main Man

nevillenixon's picture
Submitted by nevillenixon on Sat, 06/07/2019 - 17:37

When Marko Arnautovic signed a contract extension in January which included a £20,000 per week pay rise, he said: "The fans gave me the power, they gave me the energy, that's why I have to be here and that's why I want to stay." Et tu Brute?

While the Sulk is now just about off for his Chinese take away, medical withstanding, Hammers are quickly moving to resolve the protracted will he or won't he Maxi Gomez transfer saga. Most observers assumed the delays, apart from Gomez's participation in the Copa America, were due to the financial arrangements between Celta Vigo, West Ham and the Uruguayan's other main suitor Valencia.

It is true that Celta Vigo had accepted terms with Valencia which involved THREE players moving in the opposite direction as part of the deal, it is rumoured that the three players were scheduled for their fitness tests, but the appointments were cancelled at the eleventh hour. The offer from West Ham is of course a straight cash offer, but to be paid over an as yet undetermined period of time, probably three years.

In reality Celta Vigo will not initially benefit that much by dealing with West Ham, unless they hold out for Gomez's full release clause which is £45 Million, they would even then only receive £15 Million up front, just a tad more than they were offered by Valencia. The three player as make weights were seen to be crucial in order for Valencia to get their man, however it now transpires that Gomez himself has chosen West Ham over Valencia for one simple reason, and it's not the money!

22 Year old Gomez had sought assurances that if he came to the London Stadium he would not be playing second fiddle to Marko Arnautovic and would be in the in the starting line up, well Arnie and Danny have inadvertently helped resolve that issue leaving the route clear for Gomez to arrive with the number one status he so desires. Manuel Pelegrini will indulge the youngster so long as he is finding the back of the net, and is probably looking forward to seeing his main striker smiling instead of grimacing all of the time.

Gomez is pricey, but like his future team mates, Fornals, Rice, Diop and Anderson, is young with a phenomenal sell on value that will only increase in time. The management will recognise that a back up striker will also be required, given the exits of Any Carroll and Lucas Perez, and the potential exit of Javier Hernandez. The strategy might seem a little risky, but the only way Hammers can break in to the top six is by taking risks, after all wasn't the reason for leaving the Boleyn given as being necessary in order to take the club to that higher level? - Ed



mcbikeman's picture

Guaranteeing any player a first team start should never be a given as it makes them lazy when they have no fear for there place in the team...and if this is true about Gomez then the pressure will be ranked up even more because he will have to hit the net regular to prove he is worth his place and to prove he is worth the money...if he eventually gets here i hope he does just that and lives up to the hype and price tag...

92 users have voted.

It's difficult to know what is true & what is fiction media wise nowadays.but all credit to Nev for supplying as near to the truth as possible!!all im bothered about is if he gives his all for westham,we shall see

87 users have voted.

I agree 65,we dont seem to be able to hold onto anyone that has set the place alight,lanzini stayed,so has yarmolenko, though it may be because they have had lengthy spells in the sick bay,as before that lanzini was getting linked to a couple of clubs.Gomez reluctancy to sign for us early on could be a sign of,they are bending over backwards for me,guaranteeing first choice,thinking this lot are easy i could command and dominate,then throw my toys out and demand more or i will leave.Lets bloody hope not,as im not 100% on this yet.

73 users have voted.
mcbikeman's picture

we have offered Gomez's release clause of £44.5million.....ffs he better not be another Morata

81 users have voted.
moore 6 legend's picture

Well he wants to make his mind up apparently according to sky sources the deal with Valencia went as far as three players arriving in Vigo for medicals, only for those to be halted when Gomez expressed his wish to move to the Hammers instead,did he see sully outside with a few suit cases loaded with the cash then.

84 users have voted.
mcbikeman's picture

until our bid lodged with la liga headquarters in Madrid yet ssn news saying we have agreed personal terms with him?? call me naive but a deal yet to be worked out with his club as to how much they will accept in instalments from us so how can we have permission to talk to him? guessing its his agents who have agreed all this...murky dealings indeed lets hope its not another south american deal that comes back to bite us in the arse after all the blunts are back up in the prem i am sure they will be looking at the deal!!

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