How Much Will Really Be In The KItty?

Louis Nixon's picture
Submitted by Louis Nixon on Wed, 24/11/2021 - 12:40

Daniel Kretinsky's inbound financial investment has sparked wide spread rumours of 'exotic' signings in January, NOTHING can be further from the truth! The reality is that while welcome, the funds brought in by Kretinsky are NOT being ring-fenced for player purchases, they are to be used to stabilise the club's finances following the enormous losses made as a result of the Covid pandemic.

Moyes' Message Mocked

nevillenixon's picture
Submitted by nevillenixon on Wed, 24/11/2021 - 09:33

We don't do social media much at the Org but Louis always keeps an eye on things, what he just unearthed is something we thought had been left in the past! Some of the responses to Moyes' plea to fans are really disappointing, here is Moyes' statement:

Striker Targets Make No Sense-When One Is All But Confirmed!

Louis Nixon's picture
Submitted by Louis Nixon on Tue, 23/11/2021 - 16:45

Whenever a Premier League club gets a cash injection, whether by new owners or investors or by the sale of one of its prized assets, the media circus descends with all sorts of ludicrous suggestions as to who the club might buy. Invariably that ends up with virtually an entire team being looked at, with the increased speculation the price goes up most of the time.


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